Chapter 15: Emma

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I headed towards London, ignoring the part of my brain that was telling me to go home.

"Queensland isn't your home your home anymore." I muttered to myself for the hundredth time "So therefore you don't have a home to go back to."

However, I longed to see Mother and Matilda and Nick and all the other townsfolk I had grown up around and I wanted to go back! But I also knew that I didn't belong there anymore and so I would have to move on.

Up ahead a dark cloud was creeping towards me and with a sinking heart I realized it was going to rain.

I had been walking for two days now and I still had at least five more days to go before I made it to my new home... that is, if I even made it that far!

I sighed and trudged onward, my knapsack feeling heavier with every step. I wished that Nick were here. He could always make anyone laugh and right now, that's exactly what I needed.

"NO! STOP thinking about Nick!" I whispered fiercely to myself "It will only make things worse!"

No sooner had I finished speaking than I heard a rumble above my head and felt a fat raindrop hit my hand.

I cursed and shuffled onward; this was going to be a very long journey.


I ran into the nearest town up ahead, drenched to the bone. I had been walking through the torrential rain for an hour now and I was freezing and worried. A lot of my food would be soaked beyond being able to be eaten and I hadn't thought to bring an extra blanket to help with the cold.

Finally I had seen this town up ahead and had sighed with relief at the thought of putting my feet up by a nice fire.

Smiling at the thought I ran up the main street and hoped with all of my heart that there was an inn nearby.

But as I walked along the main street for the second time, I realized with a sinking heart that there wasn't one in sight.

"What kind of town doesn't have an inn?" I grumbled out loud and prepared myself with the idea of sleeping under an overhang in this freezing weather.

"My town does." A voice said from behind me and I spun around to see a boy walking towards me.

The boy had short brown hair that looked like it might be chestnut coloured when it wasn't drenched. He wore a plain brown tunic with matching trousers and had nice leather shoes.

With a jolt I realized that he must be wealthier than he first appeared to be because even I didn't have leather shoes! Mine were a mix of pig's hide and rabbit fur and I envied his leather shoes right now. My feet were so cold and soaked that I could barely feel them!

"Oh, hello! I didn't know anybody was walking outside in this lovely weather besides me!" I said and faintly smiled at my own joke.

The boy laughed and smiled back whilst saying, "I like the rain. Especially thunderstorms because I just love watching lightning flash across the sky!"

I nodded in surprise. I had never met anyone who actually enjoyed this weather.

"Well, do you know anywhere I could stay for the night? I'm heading off to London and I was hoping to get a good night's sleep somewhere before I continue on my way." I said and crossed my numb fingers in the hope that the boy might be able to help me.

"There aren't any inn's in town." The boy said, much to my disappointment "But you can come home with me if you like. We have a nice warm fire going and running water and plenty food, we'd be willing to share it with you for a night!"

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