Ticket to a new chapter

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Y/n's Pov~~

I woke up to my horrid alarm clock. Its currently 6 am and I have to be at work by 7:30. I got up and walked to my bathroom, looked in the mirror god I look awful. I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up a bit. I turned on my speaker and put my playlist on. The first song on the playlist to come on was "Sleep in the Heat" by PUP. Ya I know that its Canadian 'punk' but, its New York City. So, why the hell not. I got in the shower and started singing.

"I was feeling a little bizarre, the day that I buried my family carrr!!!"

~~time skip brought to you by my Weeaboo, Jaeden~~

I got out of the shower and put the towel around my body and tucked the top part of the towel into the other side so it would stay up. I walked to my closet which was right next to my bathroom door. I looked into the closet. I picked out, light ripped jeans, a baggy brown-ish long sleeve, a leather watch, white converse, and rolled up the sleeves of my shirt and the pants. I looked at the clock and saw it was already 7 I hurried to the bathroom and blow dried my hair, put on "Better Than Sex" mascara, and a skin tone lip gloss. My hair was straight (unlike me) but what ever I need to get going. It was now 7:10 and ran down stairs and grabbed my pair of apartment keys. "Bye mom," I yelled as I opened the door. I got no response so I figured she got called out to work early again. I shrugged and ran down stairs. I unlocked my banana bike and rode down to the studio.

When I got there I brought my bike and placed it my area, clocked in and all that. The reason I have a job is because, when I was 5 my dad left us for some other whore, who couldn't have kids, but is a stripper. So my mom became an alcoholic, and we were losing so much money. I called my best friend Lucas he has a boyfriend named Johnathan. He was so cool and helpful. His mom is a helper at the rehab center. She got my mom in there for free. I was living on my own, as his mom paid for rent. My mom is doing better and I had to pay them back. So I work at Lucas's, dad's clothing studio. Its caller "Vintage hidden." I snapped out of my thoughts when my co-worker/"big brother" Alex came up and un plugged my sewing machine. My eyes went wide, I looked up at him, "What the hell was that for!?" He just giggled, and soon spoke,

"Boss wants to see you in the front Lobby," I stood up and grabbed a needle and my fabric. I only replied with "ok." I walked out while sewing the rim of the dress. I looked up to see where I was walking.

"Y/n..." I looked up and glanced to the man standing beside my boss. I then turned to my boss, and broke the silence.

"Yes?" I looked back down continuing to sew. He fixed his throat making a quite loud coughing sound.

"Y/n this is Andrés Muschietti, he is a director... and needs a costume designer..." he sighed, "Y/n, he's remaking 'it'..." My head shot up and I forgot about the needle in my grasp. I poked it right into my finger.

"Ow... my finger." I then had a smile, creep up on my face. "I'm in."

Then Andrés smiled, "great, we will buy you a ticket to Toronto, Canada, you'll leave in a few hours so get all you stuff together. And no need to pack clothes thats already at the trailer for you." I froze and nodded my head.... Wow Canada. I need my passport.

Hey guys thanks for reading...Sorry for the short chapter. I hope you liked this please comment and vote. I will post again tomorrow or later idk....

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