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Y/n's POV~~

I started to cry. I stood there and cried. In front of all of them. Finn grabbed my wrist, "Y/n??? What's wrong." I kept looking forward as tears streamed down my face and everyone asked me questions. Wyatt's dad... looked at me in horror. Wyatt turned to see 'our' dad's face.

"Dad? What's going on!?" A small laugh came out of me.

"How could you even call him that. - I looked back at my dad- How COULD you!"

"Princess, let me explain..." He stood up.

"DON'T YO DARE PRINCESS ME! You lost that privilege after you stormed out on us when I WAS FIVE! FOR A STRIPPER WHO COULDN'T HAVE KIDS...." I froze. I turned to Wyatt..."Wait."

"Y/n, ple...." He started walking closer. I stepped back, Finn's grip got tighter and tighter.

"If your Wyatt's dad AND mine AND he's my age.....That means you found out the stripper who 'couldn't get pregnant' was and thought you would just leave say five years was good enough. I WASN'T ENOUGH!?"

"Y/N! LISTEN TO ME!" His voice raised, Wyatt tried to speak but his father interrupted him, "Not a WORD out you." He looked back to me.

"NO! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" I ripped my wrist out of Finn's hand. And I ran out with tears in my eyes. I dropped everything and just ran. I didn't want to look back, I don't care if Wyatt was running after me not even... him... I became tired. I started to slow down. But that was until Wyatt screamed.

"Y/N PLEASE...stop" I soon felt arms wrap around my waist. "I can't!" I dropped to the floor, still wrapped in Wyatt's presence. He fell to the floor with me, and straddled me like there was no tomorrow. Wyatt was bawling. "This is all my fault." I started to feel a little tired, I'm assuming he noticed, from his gasp, yelling for the boys. They all came rushing down the hall. Finn saw me on the floor and stole my human figure from Wyatt and basically fell to the floor, now holding me like I was a limp dead body. He started to cry and I felt so bad. "Finn...why are you crying??" I spoke in weak and awe.

Finn's POV~~

I looked to Wyatt's....Y/n's....Dad... Angrily I spoke, "You're an awful person. How dare you. You choose one person and stay with them, not sleep around like a man whore." His face was now surprised, then again, angry.

"You have no right to talk to me like that son." He pointed at me. Jack and Jaeden hid kind of in a corner trying to stay out of it.

"I'm not your son. And I don't think you have a daughter or son anymore." Wyatt screamed for us. We bolted into the hall, they we were on the floor, I ran over and fell to the ground. I grabbed Y/n from Wyatt. I held onto Y/n, like I never wanted to let go. It was true I don't ever want to let her go. I don't care if she sees me crying, I can't hold them in anymore. I started to cry. "Finn..why are you crying??" She spoke in awe. I finally choked out the words, "I....I just feel so bad. You just found out that Wyatt is now your brother and... and I" she cut my off, "Hey, hey look at me...Its okay, I was just shocked, really I swear I'm fine." I nodded, stood up, and held out my hand to help her stand up. We looked around and they all just stood there in confusion and awe.

Y/n's POV~~

Finn helped me up and we looked to the guys, and girl??? Who is she and when did she get here. Wow I guess she's, stealthy like a ninja. (I'm sorry I had...I just had to 😂) Jack finally spoke,

"Is s/n (ship name) real?!" Finn replied with,

"mayyyybbeeeeeee" holding out the may. Jack slapped both sides of his face while making an 'o' shape. Everyone gasp. I was down waiting to know who this girl was sooo,

"Hi, i don't think we've met, I'm Y/n, you are???" I said holding out my hand, She grabbed my hand and shook it.

"I'm Sophia, I play Beverly in the movie." We put our hands down and proceeded to say

"OOHH, okay. I'm the costume designer" She nodded.

"We should get going..." Jaeden claimed. Everyone agreed, we all got in the car and drove off. back to set. Finn held me close, he talked to me to make sure I didn't faint. He kept my mind off everything that just happened. His freckles are so fucking adorable.

"Your freckles are so fucking adorable." Finn kissed my check. -(everyone) oooooo-

So this is a super short story sorry. I needed to update soon or else I would get shot my my friend and myself, I promise to make the next one longer. All I'm gonna say is.... HERE COMES GO DRAMAAAAAAA!!! 😂 Okay byeeeeee

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