how it started

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I was at my school and someone in my class dropped there water bottle I was scared and wanted to run out my class room and was going to have an anxiety attack I just wanted to die I started to become sad about this in the play ground people where screaming and doing kid stuff but I was trying my best to ignore it and I suddenly misst the ball from the goal do the other team got a point people in my team where angry and shouting at me I wanted to run but Capet it in I was going to try and do something about it I asked someone if they could help but they said that there is nothing they could do I started to think why am I doing g this to my self  I was trying to control myself I went to the bathroom and hid in a stall and stared to say"please help me I am going to have a panic attack  I need help I need help I need help" my eyes were going foggy so I could not see anything the bell rang and I stopped and tried to calm down.

A\N p: hey its Sophie I would like to say this is a true story and also any suggestions for a new story just say

 i have acousticophobia so i hate loud noisesWhere stories live. Discover now