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I am dying. Oh my, how rude of me. My name is Tristum Stanlee. I am seventeen. And I am dying. No, I do not have cancer or some type of incurable disease. I am dying by choice. Suicide; you could say. But I am doing it for you. I am not Jesus though. I am Tristum; like I said before. Why do I do it? Simple. Saving is my passion. Even if it does kill me. I do not care. I no longer have a reason to live.

That is why I have set aside this time to express my apologies and give a strong warning. Let me begin by telling you to keep this situation to yourself. No one knows. Not my friends or my family. I need you to keep this secret safe. If under the circumstances I should die at some unfortunate time, please give this journal to my brother Phantom. As we are identical twins, he will not be hard to spot. Unless, of course, he does not want to be.

Some things you will read are classified. Exposing them would mean immanent danger for you, I, and anyone affiliated with us. Guard this book with your life. You are our only hope. My life is inevitable, it's just a matter of how soon. Please, please, please protect it. Can I trust you with this burden? Will you promise me that? It is my hope that you accept. If there is one thing that you take away, let it be this. My name is Tristum Stanlee, I am seventeen, I am dying, and I am undecided.

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