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Name: Keiko

Age: Looks 21 but is older than that.

Species: Ochimusha

Height: 5'7

Weight: She doesn't remember

Hair color: Black

Full appearance: Keiko has gray skin, amber eyes that looks lifeless, long hair that is tied up in a ponytail and her right arm is skeletal.

Clothing: She usually wears a samurai armor no matter what she is doing.

Personality: Calm, loyal, blunt, somewhat emotionless.

Bio: Keiko has been around for a long time. She served and protected an emperor and his family for many generations. Unfortunately her last master passed away before he get married.

She only joined the program to find a new master.

Facts: She isn't interested romance because she doesn't understand it. She carries a sword with her wherever she goes.

Next up is the Minotaur.

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