The woods and the magic it contains

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As they stared into the dark woods, they quivered. They were all scared at some level of fear.
"What.... Do..... You..... Want..... In.... My...... Woods" a deep raspy voice said demandingly. The group was silent for some time then Winter spoke up.
"We just wanted to go for a family walk" Winter said sternly. The Woods pushed them back into the village and then slammed a large tree down in front of the wolves. They were scared of going back for awhile, they all steered clear off that path for a long time, about three weeks.
"What do you think lurks in those woods" Trunk said wrly.
"Honestly, I don't know, but it has to be something of great value" Autumn said cheerfully.
"Yeah, no kidding" He said calmly. As they made their way twords the school they occasionally glanced behind them for they felt they were being followed. The two lovers walked into the school and went straight to class so they made sure they were not late.
"See ya later Trunk" Autumn said gladly.
"You to, Autumn" Trunk said in the same manner. They parted ways and went to their own classes, they thought about the woods the entire day, as they did the past three weeks.
"Autumn" the teacher said demandingly "what's the answer"?
"Umm, thirty five" Autumn said certainly. As class went on she thought more and more about the wonders of the forest, actually more then she has since the first day of the incident. She thought so much about what could possibly be inside this woods and why it was defending that she started to think aloud, just as a mumble. Some kids looked at her, she then snapped back into reality, she inhaled sharply and snapped her head at the board. Luckly for Autumn, she was a great actor so she instantly acted like she had been listening. Lunch time rolled around, she ran by and snatched up a small deer from the aisle and sat by Trunk and smiled happily and shared her deer with Trunk. They sat and ate quietly.
"Hey, do you wanna go back to the woods today"? Autumn asked after awhile.
"Umm, well I guess it's better than nothing" Trunk agreed. After lunch they had pe, phy-ed, or whatever you wanna call it. During that time, her and Trunk were partners and they made some adult jokes during some of the exercises because of the positions. They went to the den and dropped there stuff off and said bye to Autumns parents and left to the woods.
"Autumn, do you think this is a good idea"? Trunk said in between breaths. When they got there they stopped for a moment to take a breath. Once they caught their breath the slowly started in to the woods, they went in slowly and nothing happened. They were almost in and were blown back into the village entrance.
"SON OF A FUCK" Trunk exclaimed angrily.
"FUCK MY TIGHT ASS TRUNK" Autumn exclaimed horny. They got up and looked at each other and Blushed so much that their fur became red. "I want you to fuck me so hard Trunk" Autumn thought sexually. "Sh...shit I think she wants de D" Trunk thought oddly induced. They could barely contain them selfs, so Trunk buys a condom and they find a private space and FUCK!!!
"Ohhhh, HARDER TRUNK HARDER"!!! Autumn moaned.
"Oh yeah you got a nice ass"! Trunk moaned a little quieter. "Oh I want your big dog dick in my ass" Autumn thought sexually. "ohh Autumn you sexy fuck this was a great idea"  Trunk thought in the same manner. They fucked for the next 30 minutes in a very adult manner though they were almost two making them like 10. They were horny and they were fucking. After Autumn came Trunk came soon after. He threw the condom away and the headed off, Autumn looked At Trunk, she felt bad for him in a way. He doesn't deserve this life, he's to kind Autumn thought sadly. They then we're both knocked out and kidnapped. When they awoke, they were in a unknown location, they had chains around their ankles and they were in the dark. They both yelled for help at the same time, it was no use for the kidnapper was the only one that responded with "SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS"!! Their night was quite after that, they had no idea what was going to happen... They felt drained and fatigued. The very next day they were unchained and put into a large pin. They felt like they were wild domesticated dogs. The kidnapper was in a over head room and spoke through a speaker.
"You will do as I say or you will be punished with death"! He said enjoyably.
"What do you want from us"!?!? Autumn cried helplessly.
"You'll find out soon hahaha". He said in a evil enjoying your self kind of voice. They were then told to act like wild animals, hunt, eat, drink, sleep like the wolves they were. Autumn and Trunk did as they were told and did that for the next week. This punishment seemed to go on for ever until he came back on the entercom.
"ALRIGHT MAGGOTS"!!! Said the voice, "You will now fight for your lives until either you are dead or until the opponents are dead".
"Ok" both Autumn and Trunk said grimly. The guy let out the wolves from their pins, they were starving and angry so the all went after Autumn and Trunk since they were the healthiest. The first wolf slashed at Autumn and she got hit, she then slashed at him back and got him in the snout. On Trunks end though he had two large wolves attacking him he dodged and rolled as best he could, he looked behind him and Autumn and her attacker were both covered in scratches bite marks and blood. She then ended it off quickly with a quick bite and pull off his throat, he exhaled on last time and collapsed.
She then went over to help Trunk out with his attackers, she jumped one and started rolling around, bitting, and scratching. Trunk finally saw his opening and got the throat, the wolf did the same as the first, he then went to help Autumn. They both got him pinned and Autumn went for the wolves throat just like that with in 20 minutes they were gone and Autumn and Trunk were blood covered, sore, and bleeding. They slowly made there way back to their den when the wolf spoke up.
"Surprise" he said swiftly as another wolf came out of nowhere. They were cought off guard but won with struggle. The went back to their den and slept. It was a long night and as soon as Autumn put her had down she fell asleep, they continued this exercise for the next week and a half, by then their birthday hit and they were celebrating their birthdays by killing elite wolves effortlessly.
"You two are developing very well but let's just see how you do by yourselves", the voice said, they were then separated by a big metal wall they didn't cry or whine or any of that, they just growled. He sent out the wolves and they obviously won. The voice was impressed. They were then set free into The Woods and they stayed together. That was the last they heard of him, they did all kinds of things together like hunt, kill wolves, and explore. This went on for the next three years. They were now six, so now their parents are dead.
"Trunk, come here i found something" Autumn said excitedly.
"Ok" Trunk said as he came over to Autumn. They caught themselves looking at an orb... Two orbs actually, one was a kind of icy blue and that went towards Autumn, and the one that looked like it was a blaze went towards Trunk. They were so... Full of different emotion they didn't know what to do, so they let it come to them. They both collapsed as soon as the orbs touched them, Autumns body temperature dropped to about 20°f. And Trunks went up to about 235°f. They woke up feeling just fine, then, they saw their old village, home, Autumn thought. They went up to the gates and walked straight through them, but little did they realize, Autumn froze everything on her side and Trunk burned everything on his side.

Sorry if this chapter was a little bit shorter, I didn't have a lot of ideas soooo yeah.

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