Receiving Help

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Trunk and Autumn wondered back to their original place of receiving the orbs, and sure enough, there was a figure dressed in dark clothing ominously floating there. "Follow me" the figure said in a deep, rough, lightly rasped tone. Both Autumn and Trunk followed with caution as the figure slowly floated away. They followed the figure till it got to a small hut. The hut was made of straw and was looking like the top or bottom half of an egg. The moon was full and bright as a light fog crept along the forest floor. "Come inside" the figure said with white eyes glowing faintly in the dark. Autumn and Trunk both followed the mysterious figure inside the hut. It was oddly roomy; there was enough room for each of them to lay down comfortably even if there was a full grown oak tree. They all sat down and looked at eatchother. "Sleeeep" the figure said, then, both Autumn and Trunk fell into REM sleep instantly. There they both received their training within seeming seconds. They knew how to use their abilities; now they need to get good at using them. It was about a week after their dream training when Auutumn and Trunk smelt burning wood while practicing. They went to the source of the smell and it was the remnants of their old town. Autumn wanted to break down and cry, but she didn't. She simply hardened her face and walked through the rubble and debris from the fire. She found bones, flesh, skulls, friends, and other things beyond recognition. She was absolutely heart broken by this, but she just fought back the tears every time they wanted to breach her eyes and stream down her face like a river. She fought them back hard. Autumn then found her old home. She saw her parents and little brother all in her room close together, as if the never even flinched while being scorched alive. She then broke and sobbed a river. Autumn cried and cried, even when Trunk was there trying to calm her she cried. About 20 minutes later when the tears finally stopped, she got up, hardened her face, and payed her respects to her parents. Trunks and Autumn then walked out of the house and never looked back, and never came back. When they got back to their new home, the ominous figure was gone, and all of its things, but the presence of it still lingered... As if the two were being watched. They tried to ignore the feeling best they could, but sometimes it got the best of them and they sprinted back home and sat in a corner till the feeling went away. "Hey, Autumn, love come here!" Trunk had called one day, "Look at what I've made!" Autumn went behind the house and there was a giant ice sculpture of Autumn and Trunk touching foreheads, smiling, happy, and in love. Autumn smiled and laughed a little "Trunk this is awesome, God... I love you so!" she went over and kissed trunk, "also, dinner's ready," she said as she walked back into the house. Autumn set the table and yet again, like every other night they ate rabbit or deer and they ate it in silence. A knock was heard at the door and Trunk went and opened it. He looked left, right, and then left again, then he looked down. There he saw a small brown paper bag. He picked it up and brought it inside and placed it on the counter. Trunk and Autumn dumped the contents of the bag out on the counter. There was a large metal ball that almost looked... Alien, there was a sealed vile with a thick blue substance, and a letter. The letter read:  If you're smart you'll friend only few.
       -your helper

That's all. Trunk looked up and down and flipped it over to see if there was anything else on the giant leaf. There was nothing, not a scratch, bite mark, mold, coler change, nothin. "WTH IS THIS SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!?!" Trunk said confused and frustrated, "love, just think about it and not it's meaning for a second, friend only few, which means careful who you friend," Autumn said proud and intelligently. Her and Trunk looked at the other two things that were in the bag, they both had a tag on them. The one on the vile said: do not combine with ball, unless you absolutely have to. And the balls' said: do not combine with the liquid, unless you absolutely have to. Both Autumn and Trunk looked at each other and then sat in the dining room and thought for a long time, for what seemed like hours. Eventually they went back into the kitchen, "why would they give this to us?" Autumn asked confused. "Maybe they're trying to get us ready for some special quest or something; I don't know, I'm just spitballen," Trunk said looking at Autumn. Autumn laughed a little and pushed the ball lightly. The ball faintly glowed internally a fireiry red then faded with an icy blue to snow white to black then no glow at all. Autumn and Trunk looked at the ball startled. Then Trunk nudged it lightly. The ball started out with a nice, full, icy blue then went to white, next went to a fireiry red then black to no glow. Trunk giggled a bit and put the contents back in the bag and took it to a safe in their room. Autumn waited at the door and smiled when Trunk came out to meet her. They both walked into the forest to find some dinner and store it. They went out and practiced some more with their abilities. When dark came around they started to head back home, smiling, laughing, playing around, and just generally having a good time. "I see you've done well with your training," the ominous figure said. "Yes, we have... Can I help you?" Trunk said looking around for those threatening white eyes. "Yes, you can, by taking this package home and opening it." the voice said bluntly. The voice seemed to come from all sides when a package dropped right in front of Trunk. Both Autumn and Trunk heard the sounds of the figure quickly flowing away due to the sudden movement of dry leaves and twigs. The two wolves walked home skittish till they got to the house. When they got there they locked the door and opened the box; inside was another alien like ball and 3 more viles of the blue liquid. There was another note, it read:

This ball is for Autumn, the first ball is for trunk. I made some more syrum (<--- I know it's pprobably spelt wrong) the same rules apply to the first one, don't combine this and the ball unless you absolutely have to
-your helper

And that's all. Autumn and Trunk out this in the safe as well and then went to bed without eating and locking up the house best they can. The next morning Trunk got up early and went to the door to pick up any mail and there was a sheet of paper, that said that Autumn and Trunk were about to have a very, very, exciting life, then the paper froze then burned to a fine ash.

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