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He bite his lip as he picked her up afterwards, a little plant on her lap.

Yoongi smiled at how cute she looked, her chubby thighs dressed into the fishnet and ripped jeans.

Proudly, she held the plant up and smiled: ,,Since the old one died, I got this one. It represents a new start to me."

The plant died, huh?

Was that how she describes those anger issues of her boyfriend?

Her eyelashed were swinging and Yoongi wanted to count them in her sleep.

Could she ever be his?

He laid his hand on her knee, making her briefly flinch: ,,What are you starting over with?"

What a dumb question, she was crying so much but her sight was still equally blind, deny was making it hard to see the damage. She was crying herself out, till she emptied out all her tears on Yoongi's shoulder the following night, only to get a little taste of the desperation on his lips and the passion in his heart.

But eventually, she always left Yoongi back again and Yoongi was scared that Taehyung would do that one day too.

Maybe Yoongi needed to start leaving.

Maybe Yoongi needed to become more selfish.

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