Ch 5: The Shot

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"I'm very surprised at you," Black Mask said from the seat behind his desk.
     Last night had been a blur—and you remembered every bit of it. Jason and you ended up trying to drown each other for that last hour and you got home at quarter after nine.
     Your father was on the couch watching TV with ice cream in his lap.
     Black Mask rose and turned to look out the wall-to-floor window at the city below. "Very surprised—and very proud. You are probably one of my best members. I might have to bump you up. But unfortunately our time is up," he said lowly, twisting to face you. "It's time you worked for someone new." He waited for your answer.
     "Who?" was all you said. You remained emotionless.
     He grinned. "Lex Luthor."
     You scoffed. "He find out about the little scheme you put me up to?"
     "Yes. He ordered it himself."
     Your eyes widened. "You'd stoop so low as to obey him?"
     "I want cash, kid, he's got it. Payed me two million for those files." He leaned on his cane.
     You frowned. "Why didn't he just get them himself?" you asked.
     "So many questions today," he purred.
     You raised your chin slightly. "You've already sold me away, I'm not scared of you. At least Luthor has manners."
     He growled. "You watch it, girly, I wasn't kidding about blowing your brains."
     You didn't even flinch. "I've been working for you for a year, I've learned not to care about your threats. I asked you a question, Mask, I expect an answer."
     He huffed a laugh.
     "What?" you questioned.
     "I wish I could keep you around, but you're right. I've already sold you away." He hummed. "Mr. Luthor didn't get them himself because he couldn't. Star Labs may have favoured his help that day you took those files, but they don't want him anywhere near their information. Not when what they own is so fuckin' valuable. That's why he had to send his assistant in instead."
     It made sense. Lex Luthor was powerful enough, you didn't doubt that Star Labs had their suspicions about the millionaire.
     "Makes sense," you thought aloud. "When do I leave you?"
     He glanced to the desk. "Today, if that doesn't wreck your schedule," he mocked.
    "Ha ha, funny. You expect me to have a life. I'm only a teenage girl with no standards whatsoever."
    "Right. Now get out, I'll have Hood take you to LexCorp." Black Mask waved you off and you left the room.
     You found Jason in the hallway against the wall. He sized you up and grabbed your arm, dragging you down the hall and towards the elevator.
     "Elevators are where clichés happen."
     He grunted and pressed the MAIN FLOOR button.
     Your stomach jumped as the elevator suddenly jerked down, sending you to the lobby. Jason gripped your arm again and dragged you to the exit. You ripped yourself from his grasp and snarled, "What the hell is your problem?"
     He replied with a gun pointed to your forehead. Click.
     You scowled. "You won't shoot. I know you won't."
     The surrounding people gasped and took a step back. You didn't flinch as he pressed it to your skin, but a shiver reverberated down your spine as the cold metal touched you. "You won't," you repeated.
     He was unreadable, his mask a barrier between you and him. He didn't hesitate as he pointed the gun down and shot your foot. You cursed him vulgarly and yelped.
     "Don't think I won't, bitch," he growled.
     You bent to hold it, to stop the bleeding. And as you did, an elbow collided with the back of your neck and as the floor rose on you, everything went black.

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