chapter 4 unhappy

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___ woke up the next day. She yawned, looking at her phone. " What. . " the time read 11 AM. " Shit. . my alarm didn't go off. . " internally, she was freaking out. The ( hair color ) haired girl laid back on her bed and sighed, " I can't do anything right. " she closed her eyes. A knock at the door was brought to her attention. " Hey, you awake ___? " The Dane behind the door called out, not completely sure if he heard her talking or not. Instead of answering, ___ got up and opened the door. " There's my girl~ " he chuckled and ruffled her hair. ___ looked up at him as he offered her a cup of coffee. " ahh you're the best, Matt. " she gave him a small hug and took the cup of coffee. ___ walked right by him and sat on the couch. Matthias watched her and slightly frowned. He went over and sat beside her, " Get ready soon, ___, we are going to have fun today~ ". That Dane. He was the one who snuck in her room last night and turned her alarm off. He saw how stressed and what a mess she made herself. She needed a break and he knew that if he didn't turn her alarm off, she wouldn't have done it herself. ___ smiled to herself and nodded.

" Matt? "

" yeah? "

" what should I wear? "

" something that makes you feel good~ "

___ rolled her eyes and dug through her drawers to find her fishnets and ripped jeans. She wore the fishnets under her distressed denim jeans and a band shirt that was cut a little short. Grabbing a flannel, she tied it around her waist. She wanted to wear something comfortable but stylish. She came out of the room and tied her hair up into a messy bun. Matthias looked at her and slightly blushed. " Wow! You look great! " he smiled. ___ looked off to the side and smiled, she loved the way he always complimented her. Matthias grabbed the keys and drove them to where he had planned to take her.

The drive lasted around 10 minutes, ___ listened to the radio and looked on her phone as he drove. " We are here, ___! " he parked and unbuckled his seat belt. ___ looked up, seeing that they were at a park. She smiled, getting out of the car. The wind smacked her in the face, the sun still shined brightly above. " M'lady~? " he extended his hand out towards her; she gladly took it. He placed a gentle kiss on her hand, then let go of it. " We better hurry to the castle~ there's ice cream that needs to be eaten and the King will be upset if it's not gone soon! " he held her hand and walked quickly to ice cream parlor. " What are you doing Matthias? " ___ giggled and went along with his act. " One cotton candy ice cream and one ( fav ice cream ) for my princess~! " he said once they went up to the server. ___ laughed and nudged him. They then realized they were still holding hands; they awkwardly let go and left a small space between them.

After they got ice cream they walked through the small town where the park was. People where playing slow music probably around every corner. It was such a peaceful place to be, yet ___ had never brought herself to explore where she lived. The Dane took both of ___'s hands and twirled her around as the music played in the background. ___ giggled as he lead the dance moves; she tried to keep up. He twirled her into his arms, it felt like the music had slowly started to fade into nothing. Matthias looked down at her lips, then at her ( color eyes ) eyes. ___ placed a hand on his cheek and then slowly let it fall to his shoulder. She could hear her own heart beating quickly. ___ then let go of him and nervously smiled.

It felt like they were out all night. Scratch that. They were out all night. It was 7 PM and they were still walking around, looking at the little shops that were starting to close. " Lets head back, yeah? " Matthias asked, walking backwards, in front of ___, to face her. " I don't want to go back home. " said ___, as they sat a bench. " Why not? " he asked her, placing a hand on her knee, then removing it. ___ shrugged, pushing a part of her bangs behind her ear that wanted to be free. " I don't feel like thinking about all the things i've done wrong, you know? " she looked up at him and smiled slightly. " I feel happy. " ___ let her head fall on his shoulder as she continued to talk. " I haven't felt this free in awhile. " closing her eyes, she felt Matthias' head gently lay upon hers. " You deserve to be happy. " he softly spoke. " I don't think you realize how great of a person you are, ___. ". ___ let out a small huff. " Can I tell you something, ( nickname )? " his voice was so calm and relaxed. " I'm not really happy either. " ___ looked up at him and sat facing towards him. " Matthias. . " she said, seeing the sadness in his smile. " I don't think Claire loves me. . " he bit his lower lip and tried not to cry. " Matt, don't say that. . " ___ placed a hand on his shoulder. " All she cares about is her modeling and her friends. . " he sniffled. " She never even tries to make time for me and we are supposed to be engaged. " ___ leaned in and hugged him tightly. " I don't think i'm in love with her ___, I don't know what to do. . "

The stars are what kept the night shining. They were so beautiful. " Remember when we ditched school and got ice cream? " Matthias chuckled. " I sure do. " She giggled and then leaned on her elbows, the grass creating a small cushion. She looked down at him and poked his nose. " and you tried to get that girls number~ " she teased him because he got rejected. Matthias crossed his arms and huffed. " Come one, I was just teasing you~ " she smiled, " if I were that girl, I would have said yes~ " she somewhat joked. " Of course you would have. " He laughed and ___ laid her head on his chest. " I'm sorry. . " The Dane said softly. " For what, Matt? " asked the confused girl. " I'm sorry for leaving you and just now coming back into your life. . I'm such a bad friend. I'm so so sorry, ___. . "he ran a hand through her hair. " Matt, don't say that. . " she looked down at him again. " we all change and grow up. . I don't blame you for leaving ( hometown ), it wasn't so great. " she sighed. Matthias sat up and placed a hand on her cheek. " ___ you are so good to me. . " ___ looked into his deep blue eyes and bit her lower lip. He wanted to kiss her so bad but he was still engaged. Instead he placed a small kiss on her forehead and pulled her into a hug. " I promise I will never leave you again. . "

{ Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter~ Please leave comments and vote so I know to write another chapter! I know it was short :( I love Matthias so much ;~;. }

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