Drarry No.11: P.2

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Yeah um. Trying my best to get back into writing but keeping it quality
Published May 22nd, 2018

Harry's POV

"Please daddy"


"Daddy, please, I don't wanna be alone"

"Kitten it's only for a month, you can survive a month without me"

"But I won't go to any of your meetings or lunches or dinners, I'll just sit in the hotel room and wait for you, please Daddy" I said my eyes tearing up as I looked at him, he sighed

"Baby, no means no. You're not going with me and that's final. Now come give me a kiss, I need to head to the airport" my bottom lip quivered as I shuffled over to him, he leaned down and pressed one last kiss to my lips, "now be a good boy for me, okay?" I nodded and looked down at my feet immediately. He kissed the top of my head and left the house to head to the airport.

He doesn't understand. He doesn't get it. He didn't know what things like this tend to do to me.

Nonetheless I tried pull through, for him, for my daddy that I love. Though it only took a week for it all to come crashing down on me. I simply sat on the floor, sitting with my calves tucked under my thighs in a somewhat kneeling position. My forehead was just leaning onto the bed, and I simply stayed like that.

I didn't move more then three inches, only moving my arm slightly to drink water, even though that was rare.

He never called.

Why would he have called?

No one wants me, I'm worthless, not even my own daddy wants me. Maybe I really was just a burden to him. Simply an extra mouth to feed, a responsibility that no one wants, not even him. I'm such a fool honestly, how could I ever let myself think that he actually loves me? Merlin I'm so stupid, I'm such an idiot!

I felt wetness and warmth roll down my cheeks.


Daddy should be home soon. I guess I should at least clean myself up a bit, just a quick shower and then I'll go to bed and sleep for a bit. I finished doing everything and went to sleep with the giant lion stuffie Daddy won me a long time ago at the first fair I ever went to.

Draco's POV (I apologize V V strongly in advance. You should honestly skip)

I quietly opened the door to the house and set my stuff down, I came home a day early go surprise Harry, it's the least I could do after having to leave him, I couldn't even call him. I take off my shoes and silently go into the bedroom,

I immediately see red.

Harry is sleeping with someone else, thought they're on opposite sides of the bed, there's no reason as to why someone else is sleeping in bed with him when we have multiple guest bedrooms

The first thing I did was put my hand on Harry's mouth and grab him by his hair, pulling him out of the bed, I heard his small pained gasp but at the moment I didn't care. I shoved him so he was on the floor in the corner of the room, he was breathing heavily "you better shut the fuck up you little slut, or so help me Merlin"

I turned around to see that the person in the bed hadn't moved at all, I moved the blanket. Guilt flooded me and my life flashed before me, tears immediately welling in my eyes.

It was a stuffie. It was a giant fucking lion stuffie. More specifically the one I won for him at his first carnival. Fuck.

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