Chapter 13 - The Argument (Part 1)

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 Milo's POV

I must say that the rest of my weekend was not calming as I haven't been in contact with Bradley since he left my house on Saturday, he hasn't talked to anyone else either, he hasn't even Seen my messages, it's like he disappeared. Which lead to multiple hour long calls with Melissa and Zack of me just venting and ranting nervously of all the possible things that could be wrong and them unsuccessful trying to calm me down. Of course, that means that I have been anxious all Sunday and I was even eager to get to school the next day just to see if Bradley was there. Maybe I was just begin paranoid, but maybe it started to rain he got struck by lightning when he was walking to his house and the electricity got to the water underneath him and paralyzed him and then a car-!

I was interrupted by my thoughts when Melissa started jabbing my cheek with a pencil she was holding. I swatted her pencil away and looked at her but she wasn't even looking at me, I followed her stare and saw Bradley. I nearly jumped out of my seat on the moving bus to greet him while also asking him a billion questions at the same time, my heart jumped in joy though. His black eye was gone, so were other bruises on his visible skin, it was clear where he had used foundation on himself because it was slightly the wrong shade to his skin tone but he'd have to be staring at him for you to notice, like how I was. Bradley, very hesitantly, sat down next to me, I waved to him, a big ass smile on my face, he looked a bit... on the edge so I decided to ease in on the questions instead of just bombarding them on him. 

Melissa looks at me from the corner of her eye, I look back at her like we were having a silent conversation between our eyes. Who should make the first move? I look back at Bradley, he was staring down at his lap, his backpack on the ground by his seat as his finger taps in a rhythm on his seat. His expression through his dark hair was screaming a whole 'I've got a secret and I'm trying to hide it but I know it's not working' vibe. It must be a good secret too because he looks so terrified and nervous at the same exact time, a frown sealed on his lips. I take a silent breath in before turning my body to face him, he looked up slightly at me, his lips twitching up to a small smile, clearly forced though, it was like he feels like he had to be happy around me. I try not to overthink it too much as I grin and began to say.

"So...? What did you do this Sunday?" I tried not to sound desperate questions as Bradley pauses, looking up at me with guilty eyes before looking away to nothing and responding with.

"Nothing much..." Muttering, he wasn't lying but I knew he was trying to hide something which made me worry more, especially now that I can see that where the foundation was on his face, a large portion was on his eye and on his jawline...

"Huh... So, I'm guessing you just didn't see my messages then...?" I ask, trying to press on him on the matter, I could see him fidget in his space, nervously biting his bottom lip.

"U-Um... Yeah, sorry, I didn't see them..." He says but I knew he was lying, his voice went up a bit higher than his normal voice and he refused to look at me in the eye.

"Bradley..." I say in a tone that was direct but calm, he didn't respond, I sigh, he can be so hard to read sometimes, I look back at Melissa and Zack who were watching from the background in awe.

I wanted to say something to pick up a conversation but I didn't know how without it seeming like I was talking behind Bradley's back, it wasn't long before we got to school anyway. I was mad, only a bit though, mostly at Bradley, he made me so scared and doesn't give a reason why he hadn't respond to me. But I guess it was only a day, maybe I was begin too clingy, too possessive and he needed a break from me. I immediately felt bad, it felt like a weight on my back, I don't even know if Bradley would tell me if I was being too much. I mean, I've never been in a relationship before, especially not a proper one, so I have no idea how to respond to when this happens. But I should have known better than to go crazy for him not responding to me for a day...

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