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ryro loves pyro❤️ joined the chat
beebo is emo™ joined the chat
gee bee🐝 joined the chat
pete the treat😫 joined the chat
frank does planks💪 joined the chat
pattycakes🍰 joined the chat
unicorns4life🦄 joined the chat
ilovemyflipflops✊️joined the chat
welcome to spencer's👋 joined the chat

ryro loves pyro❤️: welcome to gay hell children

gee bee🐝: uh who are these people
gee bee🐝: also i'm laughif because of your username

ryro loves pyro❤️: these are all the gays/bi/pan/whatever from our school

beebo is emo™: what is this i'm just trying to toast my poptart but you had to rudely interrupt me

pattycakes🍰: and i was just petting my dog r00d

unicorns4life🦄: you're too pure patrick

pattycakes🍰: mikey your username is "unicorns4life" so idk what ur talking about


ryro loves pyro❤️: ew you're so cringe wtf


beebo is emo™: i love how pete just appears
beebo is emo™: also, thanks pete

ryro loves pyro❤️: WE ARE NOT EVEN DATING WTF

pete the treat😫: not yet
pete the treat😫: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

frank does planks💪: ok wow uh sorry to break this up but i don't know a lot of you so can we do names, pronouns, and sexuality? oh and maybe a quick summary about yourself

ilovemyflipflops✊️: ^^

welcome to spencer's👋: ^^

ryro loves pyro❤️: k well i'm ryan ross, ryan the boss, ryan floss, k u get it. pronouns are he/him and i'm aS STRAIGHT AS A CURLY FRY. also i play the guitar and one time i broke a glow stick and didn't know what was inside of it but it looked good so i ate it and then i started throwing up and my mom had to take me to the hospital to get my stomach pumped

pete the treat😫: i'm pete wentz, my pronouns are he/him, and i'm bi. i love eyeliner and doggos. oh ya also my nudes got leaked and after that people started calling me pete the treat so now i just embrace it as you can tell by my kik name

unicorns4life🦄: i'm mikey way, pronouns are he/him and i'm a smol gay boi. i'm brothers with gerard way and i love unicorns

pattycakes🍰: i'm patrick stump, my pronouns are he/him and i'm pansexual. i also have a soul voice and one time my friends told me the loch ness monster was in the lake near my house and they showed me where it was underwater so i didn't go in the lake for two whole summers until they told me that it was only a long log

beebo is emo™: hey hey hey it's ya boy brendon urie and my pronouns are he/him and i'm as straight as a rainbow slinky. i sing and play guitar. oh ya and i love ryan ross

gee bee🐝: i'm gerard way. he/him and pan. oh ya and i'm a jacket slut

ilovemyflipflops✊️: hey im jon walker. pronouns are he/him and i'm gay. i'm a sarcastic asshole so sorry about that but i play bass and always dreamed about being in a band

frank does planks💪: hello i'm frank iero. pronouns are they/them and i'm pan. i'm just saying in advance that if we get in a fight i will roast you on twitter and not even to your face so sorry

welcome to spencer's👋: hey i'm spencer smith. he/him and bi. i play drums and my favorite movie is shrek

ryro loves pyro❤️: wowee that was interesting

ok this is my first fic so i hope it's good. feel free to give me feedback, it would be very helpful. also don't forget to comment any ships you want to be added to this story because i do plan on adding more people. thanks for reading!❤️

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