chapter 2

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I can bearly blink as I stare in awe at him. Tall, tanned, handsome, built I could tell just be the way he filled out his expensive looking light gray suit. And oh the way he spoke... With so much power he demanded respect and I had no doubt he got it. He spoke with so much confidence his deep booming voice wasn't to be opposition or questioned in any way or by anyone. In my day dreaming state I didn't hear what he said so I pretended and nodded like not only did I listen but I understood.
"Get me tea, green." He waits for me to move but when I don't he speaks again.
"Now! Red" I stumble and got to work.
'I'm so screwed'

As I return with his tea he practically just walks past me like am invisible typing away on his phone screen.
"Uhh... Tea?" I ask.
He either just ignored me or didn't hear me because he didn't even blink my way as he walked out. I'll go with the latter cause I've got a temper from hell.
   I don't like tea but I'm sure as hell not gonna let my hard worked on tea go to waste so I sip it with class and think 'if Maddi could see me now'.

After the tea I'm annoyingly dancing about under my fine wood desk right in front of Mr. Darren's larger than life office with see through glass walls,  I can't hold it anymore, I rush off to the rest room. I get there and once i'm relieved I check myself out looking at the mirror I see myself.

I'm proud of what and who I am so far and its no thanks to my not so great background. I'm wearing another fitting skirt in black that compliments my full hips and ass that I always felt insecure about because I felt fat but my slim waist helps a bit, its paired with a white sleeveless corporate top tucked in, dark brown almost black flats and my curly wild flames piled up high and pinned nicely all thanks to Maddi.
I met Maddi during one of those moments when I believed life hated me most in my first year of college I lost my roommate - yes lost not died lost, I never saw her again 'Sandra what a bitch'- and maddi became my new roomie we were instant friends and although I had a scholarship she didn't ditch me because her parents where rich and mine well... I'll put it nicely, my mother dead and my father as good as dead to me. She is like a sister to me and has helped me in ways I can't even put in words especially when I get my nightmares.

Thinking about it drags me back to my past which I do not want to think about so I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts but instead lose some of my curls from its restrains. I sigh in frustration and don't even bother to pin it back down because i know I'll only fuck it up more and I walk out.

"Shit" I say under my breath when i see the dark glare of my new boss looking straight at me with a magnificently carved eyebrow raised.

"Where have you been?"
"I wen-"
"I don't care. Where are the files your supposed to have prepared for my meeting with the board." he says coldly with no emotion played out on his face.
At his tone and the way he cuts me of my temper flares up and I put my hands on my hips sassily and ask.

"Excuse me?" I say as nicely as I can trying to calm down. He doesn't even look up from his phone as he says

"You may be excused as soon as you hand me the files i need. If I have to repeat myself then you must not like your job very much."
I mentally count ten to one calming myself as I hand him his needed files.
He doesn't even look at me as he takes it from my hands.

I sit and go through his schedule and notice its just 08:16 and I groan frustratedly as I think about putting up with my boss's arrogant up tight ass. My phone rings and a loud song 'fireworks by Katy Perry' starts to play I scramble around in my bag for my phone I find it after it had already play out and I wince as I look back to find a certain handsome man glaring at me ' boy if looks could kill ' I mutter sorry at him and he just glares back at me like I killed his dog. I look at my phone and see one voicemail from maddi so I call her back before listening to it.
"Ahhh! Stephen is such a romantic" she screams. " he sent me roses at work and oohhh am in love Alex his the one. So.... I won't be home today his taking me out to a restaurant in Vince "
'of cause your going to Vince you work in your fathers company you don't even have to work to be rich or ask if you can just up and go around the world'
" I won't come home to park I'll barely be wearing cloths if you know what I mean" I can practically see her winking.
"Ohhh how is work?" I hear mumbles in the background and I know she is with him. I love that she is so happy right now but she'll just end up being hurt and before I can object to her going away the line goes dead.

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