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Rant time!

I haven't done any rants yet, so here is my first one. I was very angry at the time and almost cried, but I'm going to tell you all right now and hopefully you can get a laugh out of my sorrow :))

Rant/story time : the sugar mountain- get exposed

About three years ago, I went to the mall with my sister. If you live in Ontario, Canada, like I do you may be familiar with the Vaughn Mills shopping centre.

Anyways, my sister and I were shopping obviously and I had used my savings to buy some very expensive things. I had got an MK watch, a pair of Nikes and (don't judge me) but I got one of those build a bear teddy bears despite being a teenager, I mean come on! They're so cute! As I was saying I had gotten those three things, two of which were very expensive (I'm not bragging this is part of the story I promise.)

After we had shopped for a bit we noticed a really fun looking candy store called the sugar mountain. We went inside and no offence to the management or anything but y'all really need to clean out the containers that you guys keep the candy in, because let me just tell you it was straight up nasty. That really should've been a red flag, but still.

We saw a slushie machine thing and my sister and I really wanted one. We looked for the cups to fill the slushie inside but we couldn't find any, so we, just like any other normal person would do, went over to the counter to get some help. We noticed that they had some cups behind them and thought we could use them.

My sister was all like "hi, excuse me can we please have one of those cups for the slushie?" And the blonde lady behind the counter was all like, and I'm not even exaggerating she says:

"What? Um I don't think so. You'll have to stand in line just like everybody else and pay for it first."

Again, this was the second red flag, and I wish I could've been smarter and gotten the hell out of there.

We still proceeded to wait in line and be polite. When it was our turn we got the medium sized cup and paid for it. Of course they couldn't even do that right. They didn't give us the right amount of change and when my sister politely asked for it, they rolled their eyes before finally giving us the change.

This was the third red flag but I mean whose counting anyways, right?

We walked over to the machine and there were two flavours: raspberry and grape.

Who likes grape? So we obviously wanted raspberry.

My sister pulled the lever down that was supposed to release the beverage, but the red liquid starting splashing out from literally everywhere.

And when I mean everywhere, I mean even on my clothes and inside some of the things I bought.

I had taken the MK watch out of the box and placed it in the bag earlier so the slushie had even gone inside and onto my brand new watch. I was so pissed.

So my sister did the logical thing, and went to the two annoying workers and told them about our situation, which they obviously didn't give a damn about.

The shorter one followed my sister to where the disaster had taken place, and says this:

"Ugh why couldn't you have gotten grape? The raspberry flavour clearly wasn't ready being frozen yet!"

Man, I really wish I was exaggerating right now.

This woman had the nerve to yell at us? I think the hell not.

My sister and I were done being polite at this point. I was like, you want to play petty? We could play petty, no problem.

My sister snapped like she was expected to.

"Was I just supposed to know that the raspberry wasn't done yet? And I'm pretty sure it would've been your job to tell me that before I tried to get this thing to work."

And the psycho blonde headed woman rolled her eyes and went back to get napkins. After she'd gotten the napkins, you would think she gave the, to me and my sister to clean our selves off.

But obviously she didn't.

She walked over to the machine and started wiping it clean.

I was like hunny what is you doing?

I looked at her and I said,

"I think we could use some napkins, we're kind of drenched here." I said as politely as I could even though I was so mad.

I had red splotches all over my light pink top, and those stains were very noticeable and I looked like a complete mess.

She rolled her eyes again (I wish her eyes got stuck like that forever). She finally returned with two napkins in her hand chewing her bubble gum loud as hell and handed it like we were trash "here." She said and continued to blow a bubble.

The amount of disrespect was insane and my sister started saying things about how rude the workers here were and how her clothes were ruined and the lady has the nerve to open her big fat mouth yet again.

"Jeez, someone has an attitude." She says very, very loudly. All I have to say is that she's one hypocrite.

Anyways, my sister was furious and now even more mad that she realized how my watch and gear expensive belongings were sticky with disgusting red residue. My sister told her off by telling her how expensive our things were and how destroyed our clothing was and she says,

"You better hope your bills aren't ruined, or you won't have any way to return those items." She said to us with a nasty smirk.

Then my dad finally came.

The girl ran inside the back room as fast as she could at the sight of my dad and it took everything I had to not drag her butt back to face me.

Moments later, another blonde woman walked out of the back room and apologized on her coworker's behalf, claiming that she feels very sorry.

As if.

My dad took down the number of the owner and threatened to call them and figure this out legally, which left her scared. She continued to say that the worker was very sorry and refunded our purchase and gave the money back to my dad while my sister and I were cleaning off in the washroom.

No phone calls were made, but Sugar Mountain, if y'all are reading this, get your workers in check please. Thank you.


And that's my first rant! Please vote by tapping that star!

Let me know if you want any other rants/story times and share yours in the comments and I might publish your rant as a chapter!

Also comment any relatable things, and those might also get their own chapters!

Thank you so much for reading xoxo

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