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Rant: kids who don't act their age

Hello y'all so I have another rant for you and this rant is about those bratty nine year olds who think that they're the shit.

You know when you're out to the mall, getting some shopping done, and then you see a group of little girls wearing a ridiculous amount of eyeshadow, booty shorts, crop tops, and making music.lys on their phones?


Makeup at age nine? Are you stupid?

Booty shorts and crop tops? How old are you again?

Music.lys on your phone. The problem isn't the music.ly, boo, you make all the lip singing videos you want, but an iPhone? You're nine years old and like 4'7

Again, I have to ask,


They are little demons I tell you taking over Starbucks and every other store we shop at.

Often times I'll see a herd of them at forever 21 and I can't help but see the irony in that. They're nine and the store is 21...

I remember when I was 9 years old, I got excited when my mom bought me a new shirt from the department store or I was allowed to play a game on my dad's computer for ten minutes.

I remember being in third grade, sipping my juice box and reading Robert Munch books.

Where has the time gone? What have these new parents done to mess up their children so much? Letting your nine year old in the mall by herself? Really?

My mother didn't let me do that till I was like thirteen.

To any 9 year olds reading this. Please stop embarrassing yourself. Thank you.

And thank you all for listening to this very important psa.


This rant is definitely on the shorter side, but I hope you enjoyed!

Please comment some rant topics and relatable things and I will feature them in my next post!

Thank you so much for reading! Xx

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