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Those of you who don't want (sorta) spoilers for my little adventures book please skip this chapter!

Its more like a general outline of the story but still. Be warned!


-means a chapter idea
~means a new chapter idea to be added in existing chapters
~character background?? (Not sure about this yet)
-character meets Jack and becomes friends (should take longer to be friends)
~character has a YouTube channel/ social media/ gets one after the live stream
-Jack and character visit Felix then head to convention
-meet Mark and friends at convention
-while at convention character has to stay with other youtuber(s) (matpat?) while Jack, Mark, Felix do panel/signings
-getting lost/separated from Jack/ other youtuber (scary experience, potentially injured/sick character)
-potentially meeting up with fans (OC's ??) who help them reunite
-Jack and friends being overprotective (superfluffy)
-loads of gaming vids/colabs with the various youtubers
-skits, stupid ones and maybe alter egos?? (More scary stuff?)
-going home, SURPRISE Jack moves!

*maybe stop book here? Depends on how long the chapters are. Not sure yet.

-during the move character somehow manages to wind up in London, SURPRISE Dan and Phil!
-character is super scared, sure they've met loads of people way bigger than them before but Dan and Phil are super tall! XD
-get in contact with Jack and agree to have a game night/sleepover at Felix's place

That's all I have so far and this will probably change as well. If you have read this and have any suggestions please leave a comment and if you want a particular youtuber let me know!!

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