Chapter fifteen

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An angry, rich old man bought a huge mansion on a hill in the remote parts of the forest. He didn't have any friends or family, his only love was literature; a good book. He had a huge library that took up most of the house. The previous owners left many books behind when he left 10 years ago. The old man decided to gather up all the old books left behind and put them in their own corner of the library. He wasn't interested in any of the dusty, old books.

He was very happy in his house, and spent most of his time reading. He decided to hire a maid to keep up with the maintenance of his library. The maid lived in the house with him. One night when the old man was asleep and the maid was cleaning the shelves in the unused section of the library where the old books were kept. One book fell out of the shelf and hit the ground by her feet. She picked it up, the title was called "pigman" She looked for a description on the back and there was none. She looked for writing in the story, but on every 321 pages of the novel was the sentence "There Pigman Is Real" over and over. On the last page there was a picture. It was a man, dressed in a fancy suit and pants.

His body was normal enough but his face was ghastly. The man's eyes were quite large, blacker than the rest of the ink. His nose was a pigs nose, snout and nostrils and all. His mouth was open and snarling with very sharp teeth inside. His hands were norman except the fingernails were one foot long. One arm was streched outward towards the maid.
Terrified the maid slammed the book shut and put it back on the shelf. She put a hand over her heart and tried to catch her breath. She laughed at herself for getting so worked up, but she decided to go clean somewhere else. She turned around to face the big easy chair the oldman used to sit in and froze.

In the chair facing the cold fireplace was a man. All she could see was the sleeve of one black suit and a hand resting on the arm of the chair. The hand's fingers were drumming on the arm. They were a foot long. The maid screamed and ran as fast as ahe could to the door. She only looked up when she got to the door, and saw a man on the balcony. A man in a suit with his face in shadow. The fingernails on the handrail were a foot long.
The next day the maid quit talking about a pigman in her broken english. The old man cursed her and went to the old library he heard her mention. So he looked through the many, many rows of shelves that made up the main library. He finally came across a book that was lying in the middle of the row. He picked it up and looked at the title. Pigman. He also read and found the same sentence "The Pigman Is Real" over and over and the picture.

He laughed and thought this must have been what scared the old lady, he through the book behing him. He kept walking until he heard the sound of paper sliding across the floor. He looked down and the book was at his feet again with the words facing him. "The Pigman Is Real. The Pigman Is Real." He heard a growl behind him. He turned around and saw the pigman standing just a foot away from him. His long fingernails reaching toward him now. The man screamed but was never seen again.
ten years later a young couple moved into the house and found the library.

One day as the man was walking through the oldest looking corner of the library he stumbled on a book. He opened the book and found the words "The Pigman Is Real." He looked up to see a man seated in a shabby old armchair. The fingernails drumming on the arm were a foot long.

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