Chpt. 14: The Awkward Dinner

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Third POV

Tony, unwisely, had invited Percy over for dinner at the tower that night. Steve was upset, and so were the others. Steve had kindly told Tony that it had to be Tony to pick them up since it was his decision to invite the boy over. 

So, Tony pulled up in his car, parking in the parking lot and got out, looking for the boys. Luke walked over, narrowly avoiding being hit by some person's door. 

"Where's Percy?" Tony questioned. 

"What d'ya mean?" 

"He's eating with us tonight." 

"Oh...I dunno." 

The two walked across the street, parting through the mass of bodies, looking for the small black haired boy. 

When they found him, he was sitting on the bench with two other boys around his age. Octavian grinned as he spotted Luke, but hid it from everyone by turning his attention back on the black beauty beside him. 

"I gotta jet, my dad's here," Octavian mumbled, still grinning. "Good luck at that dinner." He pecked Percy's cheek, making the other blush as he did so. This was new. Octavian disappeared into the crowd. The other kid, Tyson stared after him. 

"You know, he really acts as if you two are a couple," he observed.

"We're not, Ty," Percy replied. 

"Yah, I know. Be careful with him, I don't really trust him," Tyson mumbled, resting his chin on top of Percy's, his arms around the smaller body. 

"I will." 


"I promise." 

"Good. And don't even get me started on that Castellan-" 

"I get it, you don't like him either-" 

"Right. I have to go now, see you tomorrow." Tyson kissed him on the cheek, ruffling his hair as he grabbed his back and walked away, glaring as he brushed past Luke. 

"There you are!" Tony grinned, acting as though they'd just found him. Percy smiled, nodding. 

He grabbed his bag, avoiding Luke's eyes. 

The ride there was silent.


"So, Percy, what do you want to eat?" Natasha asked after they had all settled in. 

"I'm good with whatever you want to make." 

"Alright...If you're sure..." 

"I'm sure. Thanks." 

They all sat in the living room, Natasha in the kitchen, cooking, but still able to hear what was said.

"So how do you like it with your dads?" Bruce asked curiously. 

"I love it. It's fun, they let me watch cartoons a lot, and I get to help make dinner, which is usually mac and cheese," the boy replied. 

"That's great, Percy, I'm happy for you." 

Percy grinned. 

"Speaking of your dads, why aren't they at school?" Luke spoke up, making Percy's smile drop instantly. 

Tony glared at Luke for ruining the boy's happy mood. 

"Well, um, Betty, Josh's grandma, got hurt and they're at the hospital with her. So I'm staying with a friend." 

"Octavian, right?" 

Percy shifted uncomfortably under his eyes. 

"Yeah, Octavian." 

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