Chpt. 23: Home Babe

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Third POV

Running a hand through, Josh walked out of Andrew's and his bedroom's, walking into the kitchen. He stopped mid step when he saw Tyler and Percy on the couch, Tyler's hands in his hair. 

"-just don't get it-"

"No, you wouldn't," Tyler sighed. 

Percy pursed his lips, his fingers combing his hair. 

"I can't do this without you," he whispered quietly, just loud enough for Tyler to hear. 

Tyler's brown eyes flickered up to him. 

"That...That's not fair. You know that," Tyler glared. 

"I'm sorry," Percy offered pathetically. 

Tyler shook his head, getting up. Josh stepped into the hall, listening to the conversation. 

"Where're you going?" Percy asked as Tyler's bag was lifted up. Tyler shook his head, heading toward the door. 

"Back to Cali." 

Percy was quickly stopping him, by grabbing his arm. "Please, don't go..." 

Tyler looked at him closely. "Perce, I have to go back. I've got a job, school, a family. And what about your foster family, huh? That'll be really shitty of me not to offer an explanation even if it is half assed." 

Percy looked at the ground. 

"You could get a job here. You could stay here in the city..." 

"What about my family?" Tyler asked. Percy didn't reply. "I'm going back to them." 

"I know," Percy admitted sadly. 

"But..." Tyler started slowly. "I'll stay here a week, if it's okay with your parents...Just until you settle in." 

Percy's arms slipped around Tyler's neck quickly. Tyler's arms habitually wrapped around the younger's waist. 

"Thank you," Percy whispered, hugging him tighter. 

"I'd be thanking your dads. That is, if they'll let me stay." 

"You can stay for a week," Josh stated, walking in casually and going to the fridge. "You're not sleeping in the same room, just so you know." 

Percy grinned widely, tackling his Papa in hugs. 

"This also means that, if he's going to school with you, he's going to be a visitor. Which also means that you're responsible for him," Josh explained to Percy. 

"Alright! Thank you so much, Papa!" 

Josh smiled softly, nodding.  

"That also means you have school like the rest of us today," Josh continued. Percy frowned, but nodded. "Go get dressed." 

Percy grabbed his bag of clothes, going to the bathroom. He took a quick shower, tugged on a clean pair of clothes, then brushed his teeth. 

After Percy was out of the bathroom, Tyler took a shower and changed clothes. 

Andrew and Josh drove the two to school, talking briefly. 


Percy had been re-enrolled in this school system. Tyler had been given the 'Visitor' badge to wear as he shadowed him. 

Percy grinned as he got his books from the office, walking to the first hour he had. Tyler followed him. 


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