chapter thirty six

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Janina's pov: The boys just finished their last show of their Something Different show and the girls (minus Christina) and me went to surprise them. We had arrived the day before the show and showed up at their house to surprise with a little help from the one and only Logan Paul. I had manage to get his number from Zach while we were in Nashville. I texted Logan and asked him if he could help and right away he agreed because and I quote "it would be good for views". Which I mean I guess he's not completely wrong. The boys were so surprise to see us though.

*back at the boys house*

Zach and me were laying on his bed just talking to each other.

"The crowd was great tonight!" Zach beamed.

I nodded agreeing with him.

"You did great tonight, babe." I said smiling.

He looked over at me and smiled back.

"I still can't believe you're here." He said.

"Well better believe it." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're coming to the Today show, right?" He asked.

I nodded my head.

"The girls and me are all coming." I said.

"Are you all coming a day before?" He asked.

"Yeah, we figured it'd be a good idea considering we'll have to be getting up early." I said.

"Great, then how about I take you out that day?" He asked.

"I'd love that." I said.

"We can go on our second date ever." He said.

"That'd be really nice." I said smiling.

"I've really missed you." He said.

"I've really missed you too." I said.

"Guess what." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"In a few days, we're recording a music video and I'm really hyped." He said running a hand through his hair.

"Ouuu please do give me details." I said smiling widely.

"No can do babe." He said.

"I already gave you enough information." He continued.

I rolled my eyes then fake pouted.

"You're such a tease." I pouted.

"And you love me anyways." He said smirking.

"Sadly." I joked.

"So are you excited for the solar eclipse?" He asked.

"Ehh I guess, but I'll most likely just be inside my house instead of actually looking at it." I said shrugging.

"Are you gonna watch it?" I asked.

"The boys and me are gonna be on our flight to New York City while it happens so I'm not quite sure if I'll see it, but I want see it." He said.

"Anyways back to the subject about our second date." I said.

He hummed.

"Where would we be going?" I asked.

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