Chapter 30: Confessions

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Locating Tahlia had not been a problem for Ari and Elise as she was in the room assigned to her by the palace steward just down the hall of the guest wing. Tahlia, the ever meddlesome woman she was, insisted Ari get changed while she got dressed before they left to find Kieran. Ari put on the simple skirt and top she had chosen to bring along just in case and met back up with Tahlia who donned a simple, plain dress. Ari wished women more commonly wore the simple trousers that men wore in plain clothes rather than just in their rider armor. Skirts were so cumbersome and made climbing the steps to Kieran's room more difficult than Ari really thought necessary for merely style.

Two guards escorted them through the middle level of the royal wing. Ari felt silly being escorted like that as she had always done the escorting back home or was able to walk the halls alone after she had obtained the status of a Knight. A knock on Kieran's door revealed he was not there at all, confirming that he had been sent for by Lady Selena. They backtracked out of the royal wing to find a page. Within minutes, a boy in a blue tunic took off down another hall with the message Tahlia had given him. They lingered casually, making small talk near the royal wing while they waited for either Kieran or the young page to return. Tahlia kept glancing between them, unable to hide her glee for what was about to transpire. Ari hadn't seen what exactly Tahlia had written but she hoped Tahlia wasn't overzealous in her note to bring Kieran away from Lady Selena. She fretted what was written could be enough to cause him more alarm than necessary, given how the woman seemed to exaggerate most things. With how much Tahlia disliked the Lady, Ari could not be sure.

Elise had informed Tahlia before they left her room that tonight they would tell her what they had been hiding but Kieran had better also be present for them to proceed. What would be the point of confessing their past if it did not gain them his trust and potential favor? Elise and Ari had decided they would also tell Commander Traven upon their return to Mortain Keep to help answer lingering questions those in charge may have. Tahlia's excitement bubbled and was still overflowing while they waited. She didn't ask anything but explained before they left that they would have the conversation in Kieran's quarters where it would be private. A clattering of heavy, rushed footsteps down the hall behind Ari startled her. She glanced sharply over her shoulder to see Kieran rushing towards them at a brisk pace.

"What did you tell him?" Ari hissed quietly in Tahlia's ear, narrowing her eyes and pursing her lips with frustration.

"Nothing," Tahlia insisted, quickly noting the displeasure in Ari's tone. "I merely wrote that we needed to speak to him as soon as possible with important information in his royal quarters and our current location so he may escort us." Her eyes were wide with sincerity.

"Then why is he practically jogging down the corridor?" Ari questioned, her heart beating quickly. She was already nervous to tell them both everything and if Tahlia had given him any reason to be frustrated upon learning their words lack any level of urgency, it would make the situation with him much more difficult. Tahlia dismissed her with a small wave of her hand.

"You didn't spare any time getting here I see," Tahlia commented as Kieran was nearly upon them.

"You expect anything less with the urgency and vagueness of your letter?" Kieran looked annoyed. He must have been enjoying Lady Selena's time immensely but not romantically enough to make them wait long for his arrival. Ari breathed a small sigh of relief but only a sliver of weight lifted from her shoulders. Kieran eyed them all with an irritated scrutiny that made Ari shift uncomfortably. She was glad Elise would be doing most of the confessing. She wouldn't even know where to begin with her nerves reacting so turbulently around him.

Without a word, he led them down the hall to his chambers at a brisk pace. The two guards that had followed them again stopped on either side of his door instead of entering with them. Just inside the door was a sitting room. A few chairs sat in the corner, two plush couches and one plush chair were set around a small, short table. Kieran settled himself in the plush chair, leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees and fingers folded together. Tahlia settled herself on one couch, resting against the arm closest to Kieran. Elise settled herself on the other couch across from them. Ari decided it was best to sit across to see their faces clearly while Elise spoke so she sat next to her.

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