Chapter 32: The Hunt

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[Pictured above is finally our heroine Ariana! What do y'all think?

Due to requests from my newest reader, sleeplessreminisence, I finally scoured the internet to find a likeness to Ari (I had one previously but lost it when my old computer died and hadn't had the time since to find a new one, especially since I hadn't had the time to draw or paint her myself like I had planned on). I hope she's not too different than what you all have been envisioning up until now!]

On the near horizon above the forest, the sky was unusually dark. Wind slammed against Ari's face in abrupt, chilly gusts. The riders circled back at Kieran's command to regroup with the calvary close behind them, knowing without a doubt what was hidden among the trees. When the regrouped party reached the edge of the forest, most of the whispers and disbelief among the calvary men silenced under the persistent pressure and unnatural darkness pressing down upon them. It would be only be a few hours from now that the airship would catch up with the riders considering they had only passed by it around midday. What it lacked in speed it more than made up for in it's ability to continue going through the day and night. The only reason the cavalry kept ahead was due to their unwavering pace, riding well into the evening along with taking very short breaks. Ari felt respect for the men in the Kandramorian King's army as soldiers for their resolute attitude concerning their task, despite how few actually believed in the resurgence of demons.

Nate and Mia took off immediately to inform the airship of their position and finding the demons. The current company sat around in groups or sparred, though a grimness seeped in among the men. On the third attempt to get a true visual on the hoard, Ari volunteered herself for the flyover. Elise insisted, despite protests from other riders, on joining Ari. Kieran hesitantly approved with surprisingly little argument. The two nervously mounted Tempest for the flight. Through the bond, Tempest exuded an aura of solidity and confidence, showing her proud nature even more brazenly than usual in response to Ari's feelings, when her confidence began to waver.

"Do you have the spyglass enchanted and ready to go?" Ari posed the question, knowing full well the answer but asking anyways to fill the deafening silence.

"Of course," Elise responded with a little quiver in her tone as she made eye contact with Ari. "It's been ready since you watched me do it."

"Sorry, my thoughts aren't all here yet," Ari checked the straps holding the saddle securely to Tempest for the third time. "I'm not exactly... Prepared to see demons again. Seeing the carcass is one thing but..." Ari paused, feeling shame wash over her and her cheeks redden in response. "I volunteered because I need to get past this ridiculous cowardice."

"I understand," Elise put her hand on Ari's shoulder. "I feel terribly similar. Who would have guessed we went from fighting for our lives to fighting true monsters for the lives of another world?"

"There will always be something to fight," Ari sturdied herself, hoisting her leg over as she climbed onto the saddle. "No world is perfect. Ready?"

"Of course," Elise pulled herself up in the saddle in front of Ari. Ari gave Tempest the command and the dragon powerfully climbed into the air. They had to go high to remain unseen by the hoard and hope the enchantment on the spyglass would be strong enough to spot something through the cover of trees.

A strong gust of wind battered against Tempest's open wings, sending the trio askew. Ari gripped the handles of her saddle harder, dropping her arms around Elise like Kieran had done with her before to keep her from falling. It was strange, though, when Ari remembered just how petrified she had been on her first flight which had been slow calm. Now she nearly had nerves of steel in the air with Tempest as her mount. Elise hadn't favored so well. Ari felt a small shiver and heard some deep breaths escape Elise's lips.

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