Intro and a Lil 'Bout me!

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Hey guys!! DivergentSeries here. As you may have seen in my profile this IS indeed my first story on wattpad, in fact, it's my first time publishing a story on anything. I am quiet young, so no hate, I'm not as good as others.
Anyway, feel free to drop some comments if there are any grammar mistakes or if you have any feedback/feedforward for me. Make sure to drop a like/favourite if you enjoy it!

There are a few people out there that have inspired me, but, I'm not going to mention their names. My biggest, most important inspiration to write this story is school and my wonderful teachers I've had across the years. I do lose faith in myself sometimes, saying to myself I'm am NOT  a good story writer, but apparently I'm a great one, so says the teachers. In my report you could say I'm above level. Thats all I have to say! Lets move on, shall we?


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