•Week #2 VERY IMP!!•

71 15 31

I apologize! This is the last time, I promise! 😑

So, you're already aware of the word limit i.e, 25 to 30 words.

I want to add one more thing into this.  So, now you need to take care of word limit or Character limit.

Follow this~

Word limit - 25 to 30


Character Limit - 125 to 130

That's it! And this is FINAL!!

If you understood, comment 'UNDERSTOOD' in the comment box.


Remember, if you're not taking care of your word/character limit, your submission will not be Accepted. I'm sorry but this is just my attempt to be fair with everyone. 

Have a good day!


FERVENT QUOTE CONTESTOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora