chapter 4

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thomas : why are you here
nadia : you dont want me here
thomas : no uh gogo little chika
nadia : dumbass.
then she left all calm , i raised my eyebrows trying to understand that right now someone just kicked out nadia and she took that fast.

me : you need to teach me how to do that
thomas : takes time
me : so what was that about
thomas : i dated her two years ago but she cheated on me
me : oh
mads : still going with tree
cree : ugh stop it
me : tree is real and you now it.

mads : anyway we're done filming how about we change and go out somewhere
me : yea sure
cree : there come with me
she pulled my hand and dragged me to her room with her
cree : so how's life
me : ehh
cree : school?
me : pretty good i guess but we still have a lot to catch up on like A LOT
cree : how about sleepover tomorrow at mine?
me : how about today at mine cause maddie and my mom aren't home this week
cree : k sure i'll just tell my mom

she texted her mom then smiled at me
cree : i guess we're having a sleepover
me : yay , you want mads to come?
cree : yea sure three better then two
me : cool i'll go tell her while you change
cree : kk
me : btw where is her dressing room
cree : in this halls their is a lot of doors every door has a lebal of who it belongs to just search for mads name
me : oke thanks see ya.

i walked out of the room and shit the hall was so long i kept looking around and found thomas's dressing room so i thought i'd ask him instead of keep searching i got in the room and saw him shirtless
me : wow nice abs
i walked closer to him touching his abs (its okay were rlly close friends like were never going to have anything between us)
thomas : thanks worked hard on em
me : cool ya better teach my sex buddy
thomas : johnny ?
me : yep
thomas : how is he
me : in sex hotttt but right now he's being an ass and hanging around nadia
thomas : he'll come back to you eventually
me : not like we're dating or something but he'll still be my sex pale he needs to come back
thomas : so anyway whatcha doing here.

me : well i was at cree's room but i wanted to talk to maddie she told me her room is in this hall but i cant find it so i found your room and decided to ask you
thomas : you know you could've just said "where's mads room" instead of all what you said

me : eh anyway where is it
thomas : the fifth door on the right
me : k thanks , see ya
thomas : where are we going btw
me : idk
thomas : nice
me : well bye
thomas : bye.

i walked out of his room and walked to mads door i got in and saw her doing her makeup
me : hey mads
mads : hey sup
me : me and cree are having a sleepover at my place cause maddie and mom aren't home for the next week and we were wondering if you would like to come.

mads : sure but i have a dinner with my parents at 8:30pm so after im done i'll come over
me : k cool and whats with the dinner
mads : my aunt is coming from california
me : good luck ,so anw ready ?
mads : just a sec
she put spray on her hair and lipstick then grabbed her purse and phone
mads : done
me : great lets see the others
i pulled out my phone and started texting cree.

(text conv)

kenzieboo : hey where are ya
kiki : im in ma dressing room and thomas is here
kenzieboo : tree
kiki : bitch
kenzieboo : just meet us outside
kiki : kk

(text conv end)

me: come on they will meet us outside
we walked out of the dressing room and to the set and saw thomas and cree
me : heyyy
cree : readyy?
mads : yea
thomas : lets go then
me : oh btw where are we going
cree : hmm ..... well its 5pm we can grab a drink ffom starbucks and walk on the beach then watch a movie
mads : sounds great
me : inn
thomas : in
cree : lets go then
mads : take the bus
me : woahwoahwoah , you aint taking a bus when ya got kenzie
thomas : you have a car
me : jeep :)
mads : oh fancy
me : why you guys are 18?
thomas : i have licenses but i still didnt get a car
cree : same
mads : im still learning how to drive
me : oh well lets go
they hop in my car i turn the ac and put the song "its everyday bro" and turn the volume up
we all started singing togther

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