[19] Africa

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The next morning
Naima's p.o.v

I open my eyes slowly and I realize that's it's already morning. What? I like just fell asleep, well well.

I quietly get up from the bed to not wake Grayson up, he needs all the sleep he can get right now.
I shut the door and walk down to the kitchen to make some breakfast real quick.

"Good morning Lisa" I smile when I see Lisa in the kitchen, eating cereal and reading the newspaper.

"Morning sweetheart. Why are you up this early?" She smiles back as I go to the fridge to take some cereal.

"I'm going to visit my mom in an hour" I say and start eating my cereal.

"Sounds exciting. Wish her my best" it's not gonna be exciting, at all. She's gonna see my tattoo and probably flip out.

"Of course" I smile and look down in my cereal. Why am I even nervous? If she doesn't like it, she'll have to live with it. She can't do anything about it, I'm an adult that can do whatever I want. (I'm freeee. I had to, sorry)

✱ ✱ ✱
I throw on some ripped jeans and I simple white tank top with a turtleneck. I take loads of jewelry, just to pimp it up a little. I make sure that my long hair covers my neck, just to keep her from seeing the tattoo the first thing she sees.

"Bye babe, I'll see you later" I whisper to the half awake Grayson and kiss him on the forehead before heading out.

"Bye everyone" I say to Lisa, Sean and Cam who sits in the kitchen, having a conversation about something.

"Bye Naima" they all say and I open the door and walk out to my uber.

✱ ✱ ✱

Okay, I'm going in now. Here goes nothing I guess.

"Hello darling!" Mom says as soon as I enter the house.

"Hi mom" I smile back and pull her into a warm hug.
When we pull away, she eyes me up and down and I really hope that she doesn't see the tattoo on my neck.

"You look so beautiful, all grown up and everything" she says and I smile at her.

"Thanks mom" I say and of pure habit I tug my hair behind my ear, that was really stupid of me. The look in mom's eyes quickly change and I think that I can guess why, the tattoo is in full view and she saw it.

"Are you kidding me Naima? You got a freaking tattoo?" She asks and raise her eyebrows at me.

"Yeah I did actually" I smile and turn my head so that she can see it better.

"You know what I think of that Naima" she sigh and I laugh at her.

"That's what you think, yes. But I actually happen to like it"

"Naima that's gonna sit on your body forever, even when you get old and wrinkly" she says, more stern this time. Oh so she's actually serious with this argument?

"I know, and that's what I like about it. Having a memory from your youth forever"

"Naima I'm disappointed in you" she shakes her head and that's when I lose it.

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