[25] Offers

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Right after he left Naima's apartment
Grayson's p.o.v

As I stand in the parking lot, staring into the empty air, it suddenly hits me. I'm going to be a dad, with the true love of my life. My smile grows bigger as I step into the car and start the engine. Ethan told me he wanted to talk to me today, it's apparently something exciting so that's where I'm going now. I'll work from home today so it should be fine, I don't have that much to do.

But the whole ride there I can't stop thinking about the fact that Naima is pregnant. In 8 months we're going to have a baby Dolan in our arms, I really hope that it's a girl. I want to be one of those overprotective dads that doesn't let his baby girl have a boyfriend until she's 20. No I'm just kidding, but I really want to spoil my child. We're going to be young parents but I think that we both are ready for it. At least I hope so.

I pull up in front of the warehouse and stop the engine. As I look up at the warehouse, I come to a realization. I think we should sell the warehouse, I mean we're not goofy teenagers making videos anymore. We barely live there anymore either, we're just there when we're bored. And my plan is to move in with Naima and I don't think we'll have time for the warehouse anymore. There's kids that would love to have this place, so I think we should give it up. Or maybe we should save it for our future children to play in like their dads did, I don't know.

"What's up little brother?" Ethan says as soon as I open the door.

"20 minutes Ethan, remember that" I scream back as I close the door and kick my shoes off. I hear Ethan laugh a little as I meet him in the kitchen.

"Yeah yeah, but 20 minutes is a lot" Ethan says cockily and I give him a death glare.

"Shut up" I say and he laughs at me but I just continue "but hey, you said you needed to talk? Make it kinda quick, I have to get some work done today"

"Yes. I though that maybe we could do something big for the Dolan Twins fans? They haven't seen us being goofs together for a while and I think they deserve something"

"What were you thinking?" I ask him since it sounds kind of interesting, our fans have done so much for us in the past and they deserve something.

"I was thinking go big or go home, a 4ou2. We'll travel to a bunch of different places and just have fun on stage, just like the old times. Since it's mid September now, we should be able to get something together for next autumn if we work fast" Ethan says and sounds very excited. It'll kill me to say no.

I mean, by then my baby will be newborn and I really don't want to miss out on those first months with her or him. That's like missing out on the first steps of childhood and I can't do that. Going on a world tour would mean that I'll be away for at least 6 months.

"Ethan I would love to, but it won't work" I say and he looks at me shocked. I guess he wasn't expecting that response.

"What? Why" he asks confused and I don't know what to do. Do I tell him the truth? But I know that Naima doesn't want that.

"I can't tell you yet, sorry" I say and leave Ethan in the kitchen. I don't really want to talk about that right now. Instead I go to my room and close the door after me. Hopefully that'll keep Ethan away for now.

I have to talk with Naima about that, maybe we can fix it somehow. At least we kinda have to tell him that she's pregnant today. I don't like to disappoint him, but when he hears my explanation I think he'll understand.

I open my computer to work a little, I have to talk to my manager to book some things and stuff. I also have to workout so I guess that's what I'll do.

✱ ✱ ✱

Naima's p.o.v

I open the door to the warehouse and step inside. It's quiet but I can hear some music playing from the bathroom, so I guess that Grayson is showering or something. Ethan doesn't seem to be here, which is kinda strange since he had to talk to Grayson today. But I don't know, they have probably already talked about it.

Just as I'm about to walk into the bathroom to surprise Grayson, the door opens from inside instead. Out comes a wet Grayson with a towel wrapped around his waist and his face light up when he sees me.

"What a nice surprise, welcome baby Dolan" he says and goes straight down to the stomach and place kisses all over it.

"And hi to you too" I giggle and he kisses me on the lips. I kiss back for a moment before pulling away. "Where's Ethan?"

"Probably with Jen" he simply replies and it's kinda weird, he usually knows where he is.

"What happened?" I ask a little bit concerned but Grayson just kisses me on the cheek with a smile.

"I'll tell you later, let me just grab some clothes and then we can talk" he says and heads towards his wardrobe.

As I wait I sit down on the sofa in the living room and check twitter on my phone. I like a few tweets from fans and other celebrities. I see that my mom has tweeted something, which she rarely does. And yes she has twitter, after all she's very successful herself. I look at the tweet and as I expected, she just wrote "you have disappointed me like no one else" without any tagging or anything. But it's very clear that it's about me, I mean who else would it be about?

"I'm back, would you do the honor of starting?" Grayson asks when he comes back and sits down beside me.

"Of course. So today I got this offer at work that I had to decline due to the pregnancy. It was a bikini shoot with Elle in 3 months, but I'll be showing by then. And I figured that maybe we won't be ready to tell the public that early"

"Your probably right, I'm sorry that you had to pass" Grayson says and puts a hand on my thigh and I put mine over his.

"I'm fine, I had to tell Annie about the pregnancy though. She was very cool with it and will do everything to help us" I smile and he smiles back.

"That's good to hear"

"But Annie and I compromised a little and got another offer that I have to talk to you about. She offered to reschedule the shoot a few months forward and make it a pregnancy shoot with you. What do you say?" I ask and I'm nervous for what he's gonna say.

"So this shoot should be like maybe 7 months into pregnancy?" He asks and I simply nod. "I don't see any problems with it, it'll be a good memory too look back at" he smiles and I release a breath that I apparently was holding.

"Speaking of our careers, I also had to decline a offer today due to the pregnancy. Ethan got this idea about the two of us going on a world tour next winter, but I told him I couldn't and I bet he's wondering why. I didn't tell him why I don't want to do it. But my suggestion is that we tell him soon, he deserves to know" wow, this is a lot to take in at the same time.

"This is gonna be harder than I thought, we're just one month in and we already had to pass on career offers. But we have to tell Ethan" I say and lean into his chest. He puts his arms around me and kisses the top of my head.

"Promise me one thing princess" he says and I look up at him. "Always put this baby first"


You do you 🤙🏼

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