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Many years later, Bane had planned to take down Gotham city for the one who had killed his love, but he didn't know that. To protect Talia, he had to carry out this task, unknowing that she was the reason he had changed. His first plan was to get caught, and then from there, he could start to run the city.

Bane was looking at a piece of paper Emily had written on, it was a poem. He tore off the excess paper which was blank and scrunched it up, tucking her poem in his pocket. He shuffled the scrunched paper in his hands, looking into flames, remember Emily's eyes, laugh and smile. Bane's thoughts were interrupted when three men walked towards him. "Why are you here?" 

"Answer him," one of the men said pushing another to the ground.

"I was asking you!"

"It's the police commissioner." Bane stood up, throwing a bit of paper into the fire in front of him.

"And you brought him down here." Bane moved towards them.

"We didn't know what to do, we" Bane cut them off looking at man who had not spoken.

"You panicked. And your weakness has cost you the lives of three others." The man started to speak but Bane placed a hand around his neck and squished his hand, not taking his eyes off the silent man. "Search him, then I will kill you." Bane ordered. Bane waited impatiently as the man handed him a stack of folded papers and a gun. Bane moved toward the wall reading the piece of paper. The commissioner fell down the stream of water as gun shots filled the room.

"He's dead." a man says.

"So show me his body," Bane answers.

"The water runs to any one of the outflows, we'll never find," The man says concerned. Banes right hand man hands Bane a tracker as Bane moves back to the man.

"Follow him," Bane said as though it were the obvious thing to do.

"Follow him?" The man mimicked, as he was shot in the leg, causing him to fall down the stream as the commissioner did. Bane returned to the fire and his thoughts.

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