Chapter 2

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"Young master, please alight the car," Sehun's thought was interrupted by his driver.

"Don't eye me, or you'll be dead," He slammed the door and joined his group of Sunbaes because he didn't want to go through the massive crowd of girls alone. At first, there were some fanboys crowding too, but when a Porsche came in their sight, they fleed to her.

Jimin was wearing a pink mini dress with her light brown coat unzip, her long black tights highlights the shape of her slender legs, making the boys including his sunbaes gaped in awe and amusement. Him, being not interested gave fan service to his fangirls such as autographs and photos. The girls squealed too ear piercing and he decided to move away. But no luck, they won't budge.

She was in the same situation, the boys were reaching out for her, sticking out their hands holding notebooks and pens. Unexpectedly, that day's crowd was bigger and the school's guard came to the rescue. Sehun scanned his surrounding and spotted the black Mercedes car owned by his father. He cursed under his breath, they just won't leave him alone!

Somehow, Jimin got pushed to the popular boys crowd and the girls and the boys merge. Sehun and her bumped into each other without they realising. "Hyung, let's run, push them all," He grabbed "Luhan's" hand tightly and pushed toward the crowd. They ran and ran, Sehun pulling "him" until he realised "his hyung" was left behind.

He turned to get him when... "Oh Sehun, are you out of your mind?!" Jimin exploded, her legs gave out because the high heels was killing her. Worst case, she twisted her ankle. Sehun sighed in frustration, and carried her bridal style.

"Yah! Let me down!! Let.Me.Down!!!!" Jimin was squirming in her position. If it was not his fault that she got injured, he would already drop her right on the spot. But he of course didn't. Sehun, where did the old you go?

They soon reached the school clinic, Sehun carefully put her down. The nurse entered and examine her condition. Without bothering, he left the clinic, hoping that his father won't receive any news of today's incident. If he does, Oh Sehun, dead.

"Sehun, where did you go?" Jongin bro-fist him. "Gents," Gents for 30 minutes? That's really something. He asked no more because he knew well, if he did, a flying fist will land on his face

"Sae JangHee, sit at my place. You're the luckiest one," The nerd rushed to his place and sat quietly. Sehun threw his bag and propped his chin. "Ah~ I like it. Being with the nerd is boring," Jongin whispered, but the truth is, Janghee could hear what he said clearly.

"Being with that girl is more worst," Sehun answered, and received death glares. Jongin shook his head, not able to understand why is it a bad thing. Jimin have looks, is smart and sexy, what more could he ask for? Oh right, family competition...

Shim Jimin came to the class and as usual, the atmosphere was tensed. What more, her injured leg made everyone bewildered of what had happened. Chanyeol was supporting her, making his fangirls stared in disbelief. It is a rare sight to see him in the juniors classroom. He barely ever stepped into their classroom unless to give the basketball members a reminder for the practices.

Being the basketball head captain, he is such a snobbish and arrogant person, making out with what seems like every girl seniors of them. Nevertheless, his charms is irresistible, especially when smiling. Do you feel the heat? yes you are melting.

"Thanks babe," Jimin's soft voice could barely be heard, when Chanyeol kissed her forehead. "Wow, she just dumped Daehyun yesterday, now Chanyeol?" Jongin clapped his hands, intending to mock her.

But Jimin paid zero attention to what he said. Her red "Beats by Dr Dre." Headphone that was hanging on her neck, was placed on her ear. Eventhough she felt her cheeks flushing because of Chanyeol's spontaneous act, she covered it with her straight face.

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