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You wake up extremely tired. You sluggishly drag yourself towards the bathroom to freshen up. To your disappointment, the two horns were still perched on top your head. After showering and brushing your teeth, you put on the simple navy blue hoodie and jeans Slendy had folded and placed on your bedside table the other night.

You flip the hood onto your horns to cover them as you walk downstairs only to be greeted by a group of people sitting at a table with an assortment of food on it.  You could only identify two of them- Slendy, and Jack. The others at the table included a girl with jet black hair, pale white skin and a blue dress, beside her sat a man with pale skin similar to hers. He wore a white hoodie almost the same shade of white as his very skin tone. Your eyes drifted to someone in an orange hoodie, and some sort of black mask covering his entire face, a red frowning face on the front of it. The person arguing over food with him was a guy wearing a gray hoodie, a pair of goggles, and a black mask covering his mouth. 

"Come sit down Y/N," Slendy calls out as you were just about to sneak back into your room. You pull out an empty chair and awkwardly sit beside the girl in the blue dress, who happily waved at you. "Hi! I'm Lucy!" She says, her jet black hair covering where her eyes were supposed to be. "I'm Y/N." You say, scarfing down a few pancakes that Slenderman had handed you.

You slowly begin to bond with the others after Slendy introduces you to them. You finished your last few pancakes, absolutely stuffed. As you made your way back upstairs, you started to feel a bit dizzy, stopped for a bit, but eventually shrugged it off as nothing. 

You flopped down on your bed, with a book you found on your dresser. It wasn't very interesting, but it was better than nothing, right? You were about to flip the page when you started to feel dizzy again, but it was accompanied by a strange buzzing noise ringing in your ears. You groaned and remembered Slendy's reminder to alert him about feeling anything strange.

You walk downstairs, holding onto the railing more than you normally would. "Slendy?" You call. He was lying on the couch, scanning a newspaper (though you didn't know how). "Yes Y/N?" He replies, lowering the newspaper. " I feel a bit dizzy." You say, the obnoxious buzzing growing louder. "Is there a faint buzzing, too?" He asked. You nodded in reply. He got up and walked towards a cabinet you assumed was for medicine in the kitchen area. After a couple minutes of scanning different bottles and containers, he handed you a small, half-empty container with two different types of coloured pills: green and orange. 

"Take an orange one now, and a green one at night. If the buzzing and dizziness get worse tomorrow-" He stopped, as if trying to figure out a way to word his sentence properly. "I'll take care of it." He concluded. You pop one into your mouth and was surprised to see that it tasted very sweet, and it dissolved in your mouth. 

The medicine worked very effectively, as you soon continued your day without feeling anything. That is-

Until you forgot to take the green pill that night.

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