Chapter 5: A Maid's Work is Never Done

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(Y/ n)'s pov:

I went upstairs to try on my new maid's outfit.
I was excited!! Did it look like mey-rin's? Does it look different? Will it be better? I was so lost in thought, I didn't realize we were already at my room, and Ciel, who was walking with me first, was traded with Sebastian. I never realized!

Well that's what demons do, they are fast and you don't notice a lot about them...

Sebastian opened the door and I wiggled my tail at the amazing maid's dress laid out on the bed! "Wow..." was all I could get out. My ears and tail twitched, waiting for Sebastian to tell me I could try it on.

"Well? Go ahead (y/n). Try it on." Sebastian said. Those were the exact words I wanted to hear. I ran to the bed and picked up the (f/c) maid outfit, and ran to the mirror. Then, I put my outfit to my chest and I sighed in ah.

I turned to Sebastian and waved him away, he left as he chuckled. I did my corset (which was SUPER hard) and I put it on. It went well with my (h/c) hair. I put my hair up in a ponytail and left the room to show Ciel. As I figured he was in his study. I knocked on the door and I heard a soft voice say "come in".

He has a nice voice...

Shut it.

No you shut it.... wait...

I opened the door and there he was at his desk working his ass off.... not literally. "Hello young master!" I said as I popped into the room. "I see you already know what to call me while you work here. That's good..." he said as he eyed me up and down, then stared at my tail as it wiggled back and forth.

He must not speak much, I suppose...


"Anyway" he continued as we both stared at the door. "I suppose Sebastian told you that you will have to get up at 5:00 every morning."

...............Well shit.............

"Yes, of course....5:00..."

"You don't sound so sure."

"I-I get it"

"Good, you start work tomorrow."

"Yes, young master."

I left the room and walked down the hall to my room. He didn't even compliment the dress... I guess ill work tomorrow without arguing. I walked all the way to my room in silence.

Ciel's pov :

I guess she looked nice in the dress. Wait.....what did I just say.... Oh god... I sat there in the chair behind my desk thinking of her the entire time.... wait what time was it...

Oh shit...11:00.....

"Sebastian! I wish to get dressed for bed."

"Yes, m'lord"

I was swept out of the room in my butler's arms and to my bed room. He got me dressed and into bed. The dream was a nightmare...and some how it felt like I was in that time...

Ciel's Dream:

I was walking down the street with my parents. "Where would you like to go, sweetie?" My mom said as we approached a few stores filled with valuable goods.

"Ummm.... how about that one?" I said as I pointed to a candy store. "Little Ciel... that candy will rot your teeth... but as you wish sweetie." My father said, and we went into the candy store. There were so many kinds of candy. Hard candy, soft candy, caramels and chocolates. It was such a great store!! I was so busy looking at all the candy, I didn't see the girl in front of me.

"Whoops, I'm sorry!!" I said as she rubbed her shoulder. She was wearing a black dress which was torn slightly at the bottom where the hem was supposed to be. Her (h/ c) hair was a little bit dirty and messed up. "She looked at me and my parents and said sorry so many times I couldn't count. Then she ran off and out of the store. I wish I had gotten her name....

End of Ciel's Dream.

I woke to my curtains open and (y/ n) standing over me, and then I realized something... she was the girl from the candy store.


A/N: Hey guys!! Sorry it took so long to publish my new story. As you know (or didn't) Hurricane Irma is hitting Florida and since I live in Florida I have been helping my family prepare for this and we are now in a shelter. I hope to all of those who were affected by this tragic event will make it through. I wish you all the best of luck. (Sorry if that sounded offensive.) Tell me if you liked my story soon far. 112 reads guys. *parties*. Thank you Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee my marshmallows!!!!!

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