Chapter 8

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7 years later-

I walked through our cabin door. It was about two in the afternoon. We could never be sure since we didn't have a clock, but we made due.

"Luca! I'm home sweetheart!" I dropped my bags and waited to hear him come down to meet me. As I predicted he came running down the stairs.

"Hi, mom! How was your work?"

I am an assassin for higher, not a great job but it pays well and it has gotten us where we are comfortably living today. Luca knows that I do bad things, but despite that he still loves me. He always has the option to go back, but he has always chosen to stay with me.

I was able to build us a nice and quite comfy log cabin, shed, and a barn. Luna, unfortunately, passed due to the plague. I got our things because of my job. I would either trade for things, food, or money.

"You know I don't like to talk about it." He nodded. "But you know what I do want to talk about?" He perked up.

"What momma?"

"Hmmm, well I was thinking we haven't had some sweets for a while. So what if I made all of your favorites?"

He started jumping up and down. "Please please please!"

I laughed. "Alright sweetheart. Well, I'm going to start on the pie because that takes the longest, alright?"

"Ok, can I help?"

"Well, that depends. Did you finish your school?" Although I don't have much education, I have been schooling Luca as much as I can. After this, I will try to arrange for more schooling for him somehow. We also train together. I wanted him to be able to defend himself more, but he loved it some much that we keep doing it.

"Well..." I gave him my look.

"Luca Michael. Why have you not done all of your school? What have you been doing?"

"I was reading. And I wasn't able to do maths before you got home. Sorry, mom."

I sighed. Ever since I taught Luca to read he has been addicted. I think the only reason he isn't in his book constantly is that his other hobby is going outside with me.

"If you can do maths before I finish the pie crust you won't get in trouble and you can still help. Deal?"

He gave me his amazing smile. "Deal." And with that, he bolted up the stairs.

"I expect them to all be right!" I yelled after him. I set high expectations because I want him to be everything he wants to be in life.

I had just finished putting the crust in the pan when I heard my boy coming down the stairs again.

"I finished momma!"

"Ok. Well, how about you peel and slice the apples while I check these, alright?" He nodded and got to work.

Most of these problems were review. He is now learning fractions and decimals. It is hard for me to keep up because I didn't really learn this. I know about fractions because they taught girls fractions for cooking, but I had no clue about decimals.

They always told us to leave that for the boys, because they were the ones who would use it. So I feel bad for my boy because I am almost done with teaching him.

I finished grading him and he got all but one right.

"Luca, will you please come over here and look at this one problem with me?"

He stopped what he was doing and came and sat on my lap.

"See on this problem you said that one-half divided by one-half was three-halves." He nodded. "Do you want to show me how you did that?" He walked me through how he did that, and it seems like he got distracted halfway through and did addition on the top.

"Ok baby, here you are supposed to divide. Do you remember how you do that?" He nodded and showed me. And this time he did it perfectly.

"There you go. That's my boy." I kissed his temple and he giggled. "Alright now you go and finish those apples, and I'll finish the crust."

We got to work and by sundown, our house smelled like a bakery. We had made cookies(all different kinds), apple pie, lemon bars, and tons of other tasty treats. I made some pizza for dinner and after that, we went to bed.

Life outside The Border has been very peaceful. I love it out here. Yes, sometimes I miss my life back there, but I much prefer this life and how we are living now.

I awoke to someone poking my cheek and bouncing on me.

"I suggest you stop that before the tickle monster comes out."

"I'm not afraid of the tickle monster."

I arched my eyebrow and opened my eyes. He had his chest puffed out and his head held high.

"Oh, you're not?"

"Nope! I'm brave like you mom!"

"Mmm. Well, how about my brave boy goes and gets him and his mother some breakfast?"

"Mom." He groaned. "Do I have to?"

"Yes. You need to learn how to cook. I'm not going to be here forever. And if you are not going to go back, then you need to learn how to cook." His eyes filled a little with tears.

"D-do you n-not want me a-anymore?" Oh, shoot. I sat up and quickly pulled him into an embrace. He cried into my chest. He always sensitive about going back.

"Of course I want you, Luca! I love you more than my own life! I just want what's best for you. And if you want to go back I would let you. I just want to someday die and leave you unprepared for life." He clung to me even more, like a koala.

"No mommy, you're not allowed to leave me. You promised." I sighed.

"I know Luca, but death is something I don't have control over. I wouldn't leave you if I had any other choice."

We sat in each others embrace for a while. Heat radiated off of him as if he were a fire. I listened close and noticed that he fell asleep. I chuckled softly, that would always get him to sleep when he was younger, listening to my heartbeat.

I wish that I could stay here forever and not have to worry about what could happen in the future. Not worry about if the boys found me, worry about what punishment I would get from not only the boys but the King and Queen.

I can't stand to think what they might do to Luca.

I shook off the thoughts. I don't have to worry about them now. I am free. I look down at Luca again and decide to place him back in his bed.

After tucking Luca back in I decided to tidy the house a bit then to heat up some apple pie for our breakfast.

We may be in the middle of nowhere but I was able to get us running water and electricity. It was a nice luxury.

"Luca, breakfast!"

He came running down shortly after.

"Mmm. Thanks, mom." He kissed my cheek.

"No problem sweetheart. Do you have any school to finish up today?"

"Nope. So I was going to ask if we could train some?"

"Sure. Finish your breakfast, get dressed, then we will. I'm going to tidy up some more, okay?"


The rest of the morning we trained and played around. It was nice, we were carefree. Something I could never be back at the Castle.

"Alright, Luca you can stay outside as long as I can see you from the kitchen window, alright? I'm going to be washing dishes."

He nodded. "Okay, mom."

"Be safe," I said as I walked inside.

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