found you

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Waryk stood tall his broad shoulders squared as his dark red eyes took in the small humans, the females shivered under his gaze the males glared their fists clenched at their sides. "I will not ask again the female that ran, which way is she going" he asked his face blank as he scanned the line of humans. No one spoke up making him sigh, his red eyes showed the anger he felt "I hear the little humans playing behind this house" he growled out making his closer to them "I will give you one more chance to tell me everything you know about my little run away before I go back there and rip th-"he was cut off by a short brown haired woman "I'm sorry alpha! H-her name is snow... she used some berries to color her hair red in the stream last night so the wolves wouldn't recognize her.... S-she is heading to the fence "the small woman rushed out. Waryk's face warped into one of pure rage as he turned around "Cain our little mates name is snow. She is running to the fence... she is trying to get into no man's land. Her hair is colored red so she may smell of berries which will only make it harder to track her "he linked his brother as he took fast steps towards the woods "Micha "he called for one of the betas "get the car go to the fence ill meet you there and make sure the others follow you" he growled out as he passed him. Before he hit the tree line he felt his body start to shift by the time he was within ten feet of the trees he stood as an all-black wolf. Wasting no time he bounded off towards the fence when a voice yelled in his head the closest fence is about five miles to the east where I stand right now brother, I should be there in the next ten minutes, meet you there "waryk nodded to this info though he knew his brother could not see it.

Snow stood at the high chain link fence her face pale at the height of it "come on girl... your freedom is right over this fence and you are going to let a fucking fence hold you back" she growled to herself before she swallowed hard. She slowly reached a hand out her small fingers grasping the cold metal tightly as she stuck her feet in the holes. She took a few deep breaths before starting her climb up. She made sure to keep looking up so she would not freak herself out. Before she hit the top she heard a blood chilling growl from behind her making her hold onto the cold metal harder, looking down she felt her eyes widen as a black wolf shifted into a lean yet toned young man. Slowly he raised his head to look at her his green eyes alight with pure anger "snow... why don't you come down so we can talk?" he asked calmly making her shake her head fast. "I will come up there and get you down my damn self! I will give you one more chance to climb down snow" he growled loudly making her shiver " please sir please leave me alone" she begged before she screamed seeing him walk to the fence as if he had all day to do this. She climbed faster smiling as she grabbed the bar at the top preparing to fling herself over to the other side " you know you should never have ran snow" a low voice said from behind her making her scream louder. Before she knew it a strong arm as wrapped around and she was thrown over a shoulder gasping in pain as it dug into her stomach "please sir I'm sorry" she cried which only earned her a growl from the male as he climbed down with her on his shoulder. She looked down seeing about seven other wolves who had not shifted back but watched what the crazy man was doing her face paled more, she was going to be punished! They would whip her when she got home! Oh god what if they killed her! This man knew her name! How did he know her name! "Waryk is going to be so happy that I found you in time" he man said to himself as his fee touched the ground. Slowly he lowered her to the ground to which she glared at him and went to scream before her face turned red "put some cloths on!" she yelled covering her eyes fast. Cain laughed " I thought you would be happy to know your mate was ... all that" he said smirking his words making her look up her blue eyes held shock, her unnatural red curls framing her face as her pink full lips trembled " mate" she asked close to tears " no! I don't want you!" she cried out back stepping. Her actions caused him to growl and grab her arm before his green eyes glazed over "men. Waryk was picked up by Micha the rides will be here soon lets head over and meet them" he said before he started to drag the little human girl. Snow screamed and started to try and pull her arm away from the males grasp which only caused his fingers to clench tighter. A sharp pain ran up her arm causing a loud scream which made all the wolves flinch " please you are hurting me!" she cried making Cain turn his head and stop for a moment his grip loosened but stayed firm " listen snow... you will not fight us , I am already being nice and keeping my wolf at bay. If you fight I will let him out" he said softly as the wolves that surrounded them whined at the thought. Snow felt all the color drain from her face as tears welled in her eyes "please sir pl-"she flinched as she was cut off "my name is Cain do not call me sir" the male growled "but it is rude to call a wolf by their name sir" she said softly making him growl and start dragging her "you are not a normal human snow. You are mated to the two kings of the wolf world, be warned waryk is the punisher he is the enforcer and he will not take it easy on you so do not fight with him" Cain said lowly as he pulled her along. "w-where are we going?" the small female trapped in the middle of a circle of wolves cried as a large male who said his name was Cain, pulled her by her arm forward " we are going to my brother little mate" making her halt in her tracks " t-to your brother the mean one?" she stuttered looking over her shoulder to one of his men " p-please don't let him take me! I'm sorry for running please don't let him take me!" she screamed the tears running down her face as the wolves looked at her blankly raising a brow then lifting his eyes to Cain smirking though it didn't reach his eyes" waryk is here" was all she heard the man say as a black suv pulled up making her legs go weak. The door opened and a large man got out his chest bare but he had on basketball shorts. He looked right at his brother who was pulling a small female behind him a smirk pulled at his lips knowing his mate was right there " please don't do this" he heard her sweet voice begging making him shiver.

Snow heard a deep chuckle and looked around Cain making eye contact with a red eyed man "s-sir please I'm scared please" she begged softly as they walked to the man when they were right in front of the man he held out some shorts for Cain his eyes never moving from hers "thanks waryk, waryk this is snow, snow this is waryk" Cain said chuckling. Snow looked down fast knowing she could not run with the wolves behind her, seeing a big hand move she flinched away but he grabbed her chin brining her gaze back to his. She realized she only came to his chest when he kept moving her face upwards to meet his gaze his face adorning a smirk at this point. His jaw line was so strong it could beat chuck Norris to death she thought, his red eyes darkened as he tilted her face to the left then the right almost as if he was looking at something he was buying "so this is the little run away snow bird huh?" his deep voice rumbled through his chest making her whimper. " okay Cain let's get going the others have arrived " waryk said looking behind them, snow saw the other cars pull up the wolves behind her shifted and ran off to the cars. Waryk chuckled and moved her towards the open door making her scream and struggle "no! no no no no! I refuse leave me alone , no" she said over and over as waryk growled " cain get in and ill force her in" his arms wrapped around her pulling her into his chest her backpack being crushed under the pressure of his arms " no let me go" snow screamed kicking back at him as Cain grunted sliding into the car his arms open ready to catch her as waryk lifted her " grab her legs" he grunted as cain reached for her legs " no stop! Don't touch me" she screamed kicking her legs out fast and hard crying as cains big hands wrapped around her ankles. Cain pulled hard as waryk pushed her into the car forcing her to land on cains lap, snow scampered off his lap making him chuckle as waryk got in the car shutting the door " micha drive" waryk growled out making snow flinch curling into herself. " our fathers who art in heaven hollowed be thy name" she said softly to herself " thy kingdom come thy will be d-" she started to say before cain cut her off " stop it we wont kill you" he said gruffly " we would never kill our mate" waryk added snow looked up " o-our mate, like both of you?" she asked almost screaming the question " yes dear both of us. You don't have one dominate alpha male you have two possessive dominate alpha males " waryk smirked as she cried at the thought shaking her head faster " n-no, n-no,n-no,no,no,no" she cried making the males roll their eyes as Micha chuckled

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