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Snow removed her backpack throwing it on the ground as the two bulking men watched her closely, she moved her legs under the large shirt she had on wrapping her arms around her knees pulling her legs to her chest. They had been driving for almost two hours already " who's shirt is that? " the wolven man named waryk said breaking the peaceful silence they had going on. Snow knew they were all talking because theirs eyes would glaze over randomly like they were using that mind magic walkie talkie they owned... what did they call it? Mind speak? Mind something she thought it herself.

"I asked who's shirt that is, it's a manly shirt and not a part of your uniform you had so I ask again who the fuck gave you that shirt" the loud growl erupting from his chest brought her back to life, her life stuck between two assholes " it was my father's sir" she grit out between clenched teeth making them both sigh " do not call me sir, my name is Waryk" the red eyed monster to her right said making her glare at the floor " no I will call you sir, sir" she said with as much attitude she could she saw Cains head whip towards them almost as if he couldn't believe she just said what she did, before Cain could open his mouth a snarl ripped through the air making her look up to see Waryks bright red eyes glow more than before. His already sharp teeth seemed to sharpen more and elongate "what did you just say to me? Little snow bird "he asked his voice low.

Snow screamed and slammed back into Cains chest trying to push herself away from the monster in front of her " I-I am sorry it slipped out I didn't mean it" she said fast her blue eyes connected with red ones. "Waryk calm down she needs to get use to what's happening she is not like us remember? She can't feel the mate bond yet so she won't know when you are already peeved or when you have a short fuse" Cain's smooth voice drifted past her to his brother. His eyes dimmed a little as he nodded to himself " sorry brother thor does not like when she uses that tone " Waryk said running a big hand through his black hair " trust me brother hunter is mad we can't claim what is ours tonight" Cain said laughing making her shrink away from him as well " claim? I am not to be claimed! I am not a toy! I am not a pet! I am human! I should have a say in this" she yelled at the men making them smirk as the driver chuckled softly

Waryk grabbed snows chin making her look at him " listen here we did not get a choice, we did not choose you, you will be a good little girl , you will bare our pups , the fact we have not marked you is proof enough we are trying to let you adjust . We could do it how all other wolves do it, we could both mark you right now, then tonight we can claim you "he said his voice becoming rougher at the thought of marking what was rightfully his. Snow shivered and felt tears well in her eyes " please don't bite me " she asked softly. " guys we are coming up to the gates " Micha said as he stopped the suv in front of some black metal gates, they seemed extremely tall almost too tall to climb. Snow bit her lip her mind turning as she formed a plan in her mind, no one in this pack aside from the beta, alphas, and some warriors knew she was the twins mate so tonight might be her only chance of escape.

Snow swallowed hard as the car started up again driving through the now opened gates, snow sighed to herself knowing what she had to do. She leaned down grabbing her back pack up looking down at it "may I please sleep in my own room" she asked softly seeing both of them stiffen and growl" no" she winced. "Please" she cried holding her bag closer "please "she sniffled as the tears ran down her cheeks. Making the brothers sigh as the car stopped all three men opened the doors at once almost as if they had timed it. Snow gasped as Cain dragged her from the car her eyes snapped to the ground as she stumbled into his chest, Cain chuckled as he held her up to keep her from falling " waryk lets show her to the room huh?" Cain's deep voice said in victory as he pulled her towards the house making her snap up observing her surroundings. To the left there was the training field wolves where busy learning new ways to take one another down.

To the left she saw the fence was only two or three meters from the house so the left would be best to escape, then in front of her a huge white house its large marble stairs going up to the home shimmered in the setting suns light. Snow felt the color drain from her face as she was pulled to the stairs, her breathing kicked into high gear, she did not want to go inside feeling she would be trapped if they got her inside. " CAIN" she cried out as she was being pulled up the first stair stopping both brothers in their tracks, slowly they both turned to look at her " please I n-" she was cut off" you said my name!" Cain's voice seeped with happiness "please I need a moment I am freaking out" she begged then her breathing refusing to slow down. Waryks cold eyes warmed as he looked at his brother "let's give her a moment "he said sitting on the steps, Cain sighed and let go of her sitting next to his brother. Snow looked at them as she tried to calm down but with two god like men's eyes casted at her intensely did not help, their bare chests showed just how strong they were, the muscle that moved under their skin with each breath, each movement of their arms sending another ripple of strength sent almost as a warning to anyone who dared to try and test their skills. Snow felt a shiver run up her spine knowing they could rip her head off, just like their kind did to her father.

Once that thought entered her head her body took over without thinking she turned jumping off the step she was on running for the field forgetting completely about the wolves training or the fence. All that filled her was the primal need to get away from threat behind her, their snarls made her run faster but only when the other wolves looked this way did she remember they were not human, screaming she took a sharp left running around the house. Hearing the thundering of more than one or two people chasing her, snow saw the humans in the garden working but they stopped to see what was going on. She screamed as waryk ran ahead and stopped making her slam into his chest with a grunt from the crash next thing she felt was Cain on her back growling "Cain, waryk no! Stop!" she heard a male scream "thor! Hunter! no!" the male she recognized as Micha as she slowly looked up their eyes had turned all black , their teeth bared in anger " I- I-I" she stammered " you ran" Cain said behind her , his voice sounded evil making her wince. "She had not submitted brother she has dragged us from them..... they tried to help her yet she ran" waryks voice was just as dark as she whimpered snow looked around the wolves around them looked confused, but Micha and the warriors from before, they looked scared and sad. Why would they be sad, did they know something she didn't? Next thing she knew she was having her hands being pinned behind her back as a large hand gripped the back of her head ripping her hair back dragging a pain filled scream from her throat as her head was pulled back. Snow swallowed hard as they each sniffed a side of her neck " w-waryk , Cain please it hurts" she begged trying to get her hands free, neither one of them let or of her hair nor wrists. "My lords please she is only human" Micha yelled worry lacing his voice making the brother growl into her throat "please she is not ready!" he begged. Before snow could agree she felt both men bite into where her neck met her shoulder making her scream louder than before as she struggled trying to get away, their only response was to growl and bite harder " stop! Stop stop stop" she screamed in pain, black dots clouded her sight as her body started to sag. "Please it hurts" she said weakly before she closed her eyes passing out

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2017 ⏰

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