hug you

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Me:"Simple simple

Julia:"What is it?"

Callie:"Mitch has to hug the one he loves."

Mitch:" I do that all the time..."

Teresa:"he does."

Jason:"Well um you still gotta do it..."

Mitch: *hugs Teresa*

Teresa: *hugs Mitch back*

Aleks:"Such a simple dare to start with.."

Cry:" Oh but we have a dare planned for Kimi already."


Me:"god damn it."

Adam:" You put this on yourself by saying you'll do the dares..."

Vivian:"He's right"

Seto:"Well um what now?"


Wy: *falls through ceiling , landing on Ryan "Sorry!"

Ryan: "It's fine"

Jerome:" about we have random party."

Bodil:"Where did that idea even come from?"

Jerome:"It came from my mind"

Quentin: We don't even have anything to use for this party"

Lauren:"Oh well we can make it work!"

Ian:" We already have cake."

Kylee:"Who wants some!"

Teigan:"You all just want cake don't you"

Ty:" Well cake is cake!"

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