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It was another boring day at work

I was sitting behind the desk at Hot topic

"Y/N you can go home early, nobody is coming in anyway" my boss said in a emotionless tone

With that I left the mall and got into my car

The drive home was short and boring

I arrived at my large house and sighed

I didn't want to even look at my abusive boyfriend's face anymore

But I know I had to

I unbuckled and left my car

I rummaged through my purse to find my keys

I found them and unlocked the door

I heard a bang and loud voices from upstairs

I decided to check it out and set my stuff down and headed up the stairs

I walked down the hallway to the last door

I opened the door only to find Richard and ... JESSICA

My best friend and my abusive boyfriend

I knew this was coming and yet, it still felt like my fault

It was still a surprise

All I could feel was disgust and guilt

Watching as my friend since highschool stuck her tongue down my boyfriend's fucking throat

I slammed the door and ran

That's all I could do

Just run.

I grabbed my jacket since it was raining now

I grabbed my phone and headphones and left

I ran past the park and to the bridge

I ran my fingers on the railing

I looked around to see if anyone was near

I quickly realized that I was crying... A lot

I take out my phone and hit shuffle on my playlist

Drowning Lessons started playing (I love that song don't judge me)

I closed my eyes and wiped them

I looked around again and this time saw a red blur down the sidewalk

I thought it was just a stop sign...

I looked down the road and saw no cars since it was raining pretty hard

I started climbing up on the railing while I looked down

The water was rushing and cold

I felt warm tears running off my nose

I heard a faint Yelp through my music but tuned it out

"I dragged her down I put her out
And back there I left her where no one could see
And lifeless cold into this well
I stared as this moment was held for me
A kiss goodbye, your twisted shell
As rice grains and roses fall at your feet
Let's say goodbye, the hundredth time
And then tomorrow we'll do it again"

I felt my voice break as I shakily put one foot off the bridge

I started to lean forward

I fell until I felt strong hands grab mine

I started thrashing around as I looked up to see a flash of red

I tried to escape but instead hit my head on the metal bars

Everything turned black

So I know it sucks but yeah I was tired of having an account and not writing... Anywhore tell me what you think Cause I think it's awful...

Stay Street

Stay alive Frens


Drowning Lessons (Gerard Way x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant