A hint of not so Killer Cabby with a swirl of definitely killer Moriarty.

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"Yes, Sir. It has been confirmed." Mycroft stands alone in his giant home office, looking out into the vast expanse known has London. His ear pressed against a desk phone, he sighs.
"Good. I need to be kept updated on the happenings of Mr Watson, also I want all files from this therapist regarding him. Understood?" Although the refined man's voice was full of calm, emotionless authority his worn face told another story.
"Yes Sir, of course Sir." A click and a beep. The auburn haired man placed the telephone back in its holder. The once emotionless man lets all his pent up emotions out as he stumbles back into his sleek black office chair, a treacherous tear making a watery path down his pale cheek. Lost was any trace of the old Mycroft Holmes. But for the better or worse?...

"Sherlock?" John's gruff voice echoes up the stairs of 221B, met with little to no noise.
"Sherlock, you home?" Again no reply. Sighing John hurried back down the stairs and hailed a cab.
"Where to mate?" The cabby asked, speeding away from the notorious Baker St.
"New Scotland Yard, please" John absentmindedly replied earning an amused chuckle from the driver.
"That Sherlock Holmes got himself another case, then? Brilliant man, that one. Although he certainly got us cabbies shaking in our boots after that case with the Killer cabby. Loved how you told that one by the way, real talent for writing you do" The gruff man rambled amicably in his strong Irish accent.
"You read my blogs?" Disbelief laced John's gravelly voice.
"Of course! All the men at me work do, you have quite the fan base." Shaking his head at the sandy haired man, the cab driver commended John on his writing ability. To this John smiled wide, nodding to himself smugly. Suddenly the cab came to a stop, before hopping out John paid his admirer whilst adding a generous tip.

John's P.O.V

Although still in quite the foul mood, due to a lack of sleep, the cab drivers earnest compliments had me in a slightly better mood then I'd been in the last week or so. As I headed through the doors of New Scotland Yard I heard the frantic whispering and disbelieving stares I received from the staff. I hadn't left the apartment in about a week, Sherlock hadn't bothered taking me to any of the cases for he wanted to give me as much time to rest as he could, not that I did any sleeping I was simply to terrified to close my eyes. Though I knew of all the cases due to Sherlock telling them all to me when he would cradle me back to sleep after another nightmare. So as I practically stumbled down the halls towards Lestrade's office I wasn't to surprise to catch a glimpse of the familiar trench coat that always billowed behind the consulting detective.

Mycroft's P.O.V

"John, mate! How are ya?" Lestrade plastered on a fake painful grin the moment he saw the short stature of John Watson. To this, John just smiled wearily and nodded his head. A pang of..... Sadness,I believe it's called, hit me in the chest as I saw the dark purple bags under his unusually dull eyes, the pale complexion that has taken over his tan skin, the slump in his usually broad soldiers and the slight incessant shake that rattled subtly throughout his fragile frame.
"John. I really do think you should be at home." Sherlock's eyes an ocean of worry, his usually silky smooth voice laced with concern for his closest friend.
"Now, now Sherlock. Your not going soft are you?" John replied, attempting a half smile which turned out to look more like a grimace. Sherlock tried to relax but failed miserably, skittering over to help John into a seat.
"I'm fine, Sherlock." John replied softly, giving the detectives hand a small squeeze. "Now why don't you all fill me in on what's happening?" The doctor managed to sound slightly more up beat then before.
"Well, Mr Watson." I stepped forward from out of the shadowy corner that I had originally claimed. "Moriarty may just be back.".........

*Manic Laughter* God I'm a horrible person! So so sorry, dearies. I know I've been the most slack of all authors when it comes to updating but I've been so very busy reading Harry Potter and Sherlock fanfic! These two authors are who have kept my eyes glued to this treacherous computer screen and I must suggest you check them out as they are bloody brilliant, Out0fMyHead and DrJohnHolmes . Please do check them out and then you will have to forgive me because you will realise how amazing they are! Anyway, enough of my rambling! Have a nice day and I wish you the best.

Forever and always

E.L xxx

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