Sexual Tension...Oh how it suffocates.

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Four men squeezed into a small office, all silently wandering through their own thoughts and ideas before shooting them down, never allowing them to escape their chapped lips.

The detective with greying hair and a usually goofy grin sits slumped over, head in hands, trying desperately to figure out Moriaty's next move whilst also getting slightly distracted thinking about his favourite little habits and quirks of the infamous Sherlock Holmes.

The Government man with auburn hair and icy eyes hides away in his shadowy corner, brows furrowed thinking of John's declining state, not bothering whatsoever on Moriaty's imminent return.

The genius sociopath with Raven curly locks and moonlight skin paces back and forth, hidden deep within his mind palace, rifling through Moriaty's every move and occasionally bringing up memories of Lestrade doing cute things.

The army doctor with sandy blonde hair and deep chocolate orbs stands leaning against the window and staring out at the bustling city, miserably failing at keeping his tired mind of Moriaty, trailing off to think about how royally he screwed up his chances with the gorgeous eldest Holmes.

It's safe to say that all four men were driving a dangerous, rocky road leading them straight to loonville, their sanity slowly sizzling away like water in a fry pan until, inevitably, there's nothing left at all.

Ring.Ring.Ring. All men pause, eyes trained like expert snipers on the relentless telephone. A gulp from Lestrade echoes about, heightening the tension and seemingly creating an even more suffocatingly silent room, asides from the menacing ring. Shaking hands slowly reach out to pick up the object of tension, panic stricken and almost nauseous Greg's voice hesitantly greets the silent line, all fearing the worst.

"Uh, Hello" A crackle and then the familiar voice of Sally causes all to release breathes none were aware they were holding.
"Sir, we have a homicide. Nothing to bad, just a drunk fight but we still want you down here to check it out." Lestrade nearly laughed into the phone but caught himself at the last moment, feigning a cough before agreeing and finally placing the telephone back in its holder. Looking up at the three other men in his stuffy office he couldn't help but break out into a grin, earning varying smiles from each other.

"Well boys, I'm afraid I better go. You know, normal murders and all that lark." Shaking John's hand and giving a respectful nod in both Holme's direction before heading out the door followed by a one Mr. Sherlock Holmes.
"You know what, Gavin. I think I might tag along on this one." Too cheery for the usually quite pessimistic man, all, aside from the brilliantly genius Mycroft, sent comfused glances straight at Sherlocks overly enthusiastic form.
"But-" A flustered 'Gavin' gets cut off as Sherlock pushes him out the door and away from the two slightly embarrassed men, John now caught on to Sherlocks plan of getting one Government man and one Doctor alone together.

The two men awkwardly shift as the last traces of Sherlock and Greg are heard in a form sounding much like 'It's Greg' followed by a rather disturbing giggle one could only presume was meant as a means of flirtation. Clearing his throat,  Mycroft decided it best to address the situation head on, despite his hesitancy and ,might one say, fear.

Mycrofts P.O.V

"John, do sit, please." I insisted, earning a slight but firm nod from said man. Dropping himself rather inelegantly into the plush chair with a wince of pain, John closes his eyes as if to prepare himself for the worse. Quickly wiping my sweaty palms on my tailor made dress pants, I slowly place myself in the chair adjacent to John.

"Ahem. Well, Doctor Watson, it seems we have something to discuss, wouldn't you say?" Clearing my voice then attempting to sound superior I questioned Watson. A sigh escapes through his perfect teeth making it sound almost like a hiss, as he rubs a thin hand over his weary face. Suddenly noticing just how exhausted and weary he is, I soften a tad.

"That depends, Mr Holmes." His gruff yet soothing voice snaps me out of my thoughts, tilting my head and cocking my brow I silently question him. A light, almost inaudible chuckle escapes his soft lips.
"On what, exactly, Doctor?" I decide to have a little fun, if only to cheer him up, slightly purring his title which earns me a small smirk. His golden brown eyes glide to mine and I could swear I saw them light up somewhat when they reached my ivy blue gaze. Playfully cocking his head he pouts innocently.
"Well, sir." He stands and slowly, painstakingly slowly, strides over to me dragging his fingertips sensually over the top of the mahogany desk. Stopping in front of me, he leans in and nearly touches my ear with his pink lips.

"It depends on wether you are going to lie or not" John whispers huskily before blowing into my ear then pulling back he gives his most innocent look. The shorter of the two brings his calloused hand up to my suit clad chest, dragging his fingers along my broad front and around to my back, John stops behind me. Reaching up on his toes, he whispers into my ear again.
"And you should know, dear. I. Don't. Like. Liars." The soldiers words turn to growls as he grips my shoulder slightly tighter. Sexual tension building a bubble around us.

3rd P.O.V

"You don't want to be punished, do you?" His tongue flicks out to lick the shell of the almost shaking government man, a small moan manages to escape his lips accompanied by a bright blush of embarrassment.
"That's a good boy, if you keep this up you might even get a treat." All traces of embarrassment slipped away at Johns soothing voice.  A loud band interrupts the splendid predicament the two had found themselves in as Sherlock came crashing through the office door.

"Ah, now that sincere sexual tension and advancement on my brothers behalf has lifted your spirits, my dear John, please do join us. We think Moriaty has just left us a little clue!" Spinning back around and disappearing from the direction in which he came, the two were once again left all alone. Refusing to meet the others eye, both men shifted uncomfortably and flushed adorably from embarrassment. Clearing his throat, John broke the deafening silence that had started to suffocate him.
"Well, we..uh.. Better be off then." He gestured for Mycroft to leave first, trailing behind.

Both men trying desperately to hide their disappointment at being disrupted at such a delicious moment....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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