Destiny Awaits! CHAPTER 5

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Hyun Hee's POV

Wow! Great!

I'm here now at one of the outside stadium in Korea!

Fans are screaming!

But wait! I thought that BOYFRIEND is popular?

Why is it that there are just a hundred of fans?

Well anyway the lesser the better!

I just came here to watch and be quiet just admiring them. ^_^

Boyfriend's song playing.......

YoungMin's POV

Wow! Am I in love at first sight?!

That girl looks so amazing!

(Suddenly Youngmin stopped performing.)

Oh Hell! What was I doing?! (He continued to dance)

Got to meet her later!

When the performance was done BOYFRIEND came down the stairs' stage to head to their resting room.

But the crowd went wild!

Hyun Hee was carried away through boyfriend and got a sprain on her ankle, she was sitting at the side of the crowd.

YoungMin was worried and hurried quickly to her.

"Annyeong, are you okay?" YoungMin said

"Yes, I I I I am Fifine." her eyes froze. She can't believe that YoungMin was talking to her.

"Should we take you to the hospital? Or perhaps you should rest with us at the backstage, you look awfully hurt."

Until YoungMin carried Hyun Hee in his arms.

HyunHee's POV

Omo! Can't believe this!

HE is carrying me?!

I can't barely breathe!

HE is like an angel!

He was worried when I got hurt!

But seriously that really hurted!

At the Back Stage........

"Let's put some ice to it. Does it hurt?"

"Nope not at all."She replied

"What's your name anyway?"

"I'm Shereene Darcen, but my Korean name is Jung Hyun Hee, so you can call me Hyun Hee. I'm from Philippines."

"Oh nice to meet you Hyun Hee, and I'm..."

"You're Young Min, Jo Young Min."

"Why yah know it? When you're from Philippines, thats pretty far."

"I'm a fan of yours, then I hoped that  someday I'll go to Korea, here I am, I made a plan to have a family reunion here just to meet yah. And I saw this poster outside when we were wandering around, so I came here, Truely I have 1 week to meet yah, so I'm glad that I have met a superstar like you!"

"I'm pretty glad to meet yah too. So are you fine now? Really?"

"Just when I met you I was fine. =)"

"Glad to hear it, so uhmmm, let me take you to your home if you may?"

"Glad that you asked."

"First you have to meet BOYFRIEND"

"But I know them already."

"Personally of course"



"Here is Hyun Seong"

"Hello" Hyun Seong said

"HEre is Kwang Min my twin"

"Haiii" KwangMin smiled

"Here is Dong Hyun"

"Nice to meet yah" Dong Hyun said politely

"HEre is Jeong Min"

"Hey!" Dong Hyun said

"And here is Min Woo"

"Glad to meet yah my lady" He said grinning and with a shakehands

"Nice to meet yah too." Hyun Hee smiled back

Min Woo's POV

She is really pretty

Jung Hyun Hee my perfect soul mate!

Maybe I'll start to be sweet at her so she can like me!

Great Idea Min Woo!

When they said goodbye already........

YoungMin brought Hyun Hee safetly and said....

"I'll fetch yah tomorrow for our signing, you know the time right?"

"Yes, I know =)"

"Good night "

"Good night too, see yah tomorrow"

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