That Kind -

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 Chapter 6

Standing in Evangeline's bedroom looking through the cracked doorway, Adagio's heart goes out to her. In the ten seconds her father has been here, every single thing she'd told Adagio about the cold-hearted man is confirmed. He has never witnessed anything so sad or seen someone so cruel. Taking in her father's disheveled appearance and the unsteadiness of his movements, Adagio is sure the man has been drinking. He continues to silently listen, watching in complete incredulity, unable to believe what he is hearing.

The man is a demon! He has no soul. He's not even human!

* * *

“You are kidding me! You want me to what?”

“You heard me, girl. My new perspective partner has a penchant for you so-called women of color. It's about time you earned the good life I've provided for you. Just keep him happy until we seal the deal. Who knows, you might grow to like it and want to make it permanent. This is what I have been grooming you for, Evangeline. And since you can't see the man, it shouldn't make a difference what he looks like.”

By now I am shaking so badly with hurt and anger, I can hardly think. I have been right all along. This is the value my father places on me. Other than being the Mercury Technologies company whore, I'm not worth much else.

“Does Mother know about this?”

“I don't answer to your mother. I am the head of my house. My word is law, so she has no choice but to support me. Besides, I take care of her well enough.”

“Adopted or not, I am still your daughter. How can you treat me this way?”

“Because I own you, that's how. And a good daughter would be obedient and not give me any lip.”

I slip my shaking hands into the pockets of my jeans, having no luck in steadying them. “Father, I would like you to leave now.” I try to keep my voice calm. “And please don't come back.” When I hear his angry heaves, I move away from him, a cold fear entering me.

“I will leave when I am good and ready! Who do you think you are, the African Queen or something? It is because of me you even have all of this.” He swings his arms around the living room. “Do you really think you can order me around like some whipping boy? If you do, then think again. I guess I'm going to have to show you who is in charge.”

* * *

Before the drunk man's hand can make contact with Evangeline's face, Adagio catches his arm, spinning him around. “I wouldn't do that if I were you.” There is ice in his voice. He watches her father's eyes widen.

“Who in the hell are you and what are you doing in my daughter's apartment?”

“I am Evangeline's friend, and why I am here is none of your business.” He glances at Evangeline. “Are you all right?” When she tearfully nods, his piercing eyes move back to her father. “I suggest you leave now. Or do you need a little help?”

Her father slowly smiles. “Oh, I see how it is. Sleeping with her, are you? You're not the first, you know?”

An emotional gasp escapes Evangeline. “How can you say something like that?”

“Well, it's true, isn't it? And I'm sure your foreign playboy here can teach you something new. Your experience will come in handy for Mercury. I can put you both on the payroll.”

“Get out!” she yells. “Just get out!”

He moves toward her. “Why you little tramp! I'll . . .”

In two swift moves, Adagio has the man's arms twisted behind his back. “You are seriously delusional. Not just delusional, you are sick.”

“Get your hands off me!”

“I will,” Adagio says, yanking him toward the door. “Evangeline, would you mind?” He watches her nervously move to the door and quickly open it. Releasing her father's arms, Adagio pitches him against the hallway wall and slams the door shut.

* * *

I am shaking badly, and I can't seem to stop. Only when Adagio's warm, muscular arms come around me do I begin to calm. Listening to Father rant outside the door, I am stung by each obscenity he yells at me. “I'm sorry,” I whisper against his chest.

“Hey, you have nothing to apologize for. I'm sorry for all he has put you through.”

Adagio's embrace steals away the pain, and his gentle spirit warms me to the core. “Thank you for being here. I don't want to think about what might have happened had I been alone.”

“You will never have to worry about that. I will always be here for you.” He draws back a little and I feel the warmth of his gaze on my face. “I don't trust your father. We need to get you out of here for a few days.”

“But where would I go?”

“To my place. You can have your choice of the eight empty bedrooms. And don't say no, just leave your independent streak here and let someone take care of you for a while.”

Swallowing against the rising emotion, I nod. “I can't believe I'm not even safe in my own home anymore, and that the danger is my father is just unreal.”

He says nothing else, but pulls me further into himself. Tightening my arms around his waist, I silently soak in the safety of his protective embrace.

* * *

Kathryn Patton is reading in bed when her husband staggers into the room. He wreaks of alcohol. Again.

“Where have you been?”

“Where do you think? I went to try and talk some sense into the tramp that is your daughter.”

“I thought we agreed it was pointless to try anymore.”

“I didn't agree to anything. You might be ready to give up what we've worked so hard for, but I am not.”

“Of course I'm not giving up, George. But merging with another company is not a matter of life and death. Let's just cut our losses and continue to go it alone. Mercury is doing well enough.”

He turns a wild-eyed stare to her and her heart jumps. She has never seen him like this. “You have no idea what you're talking about, so just shut up and leave the thinking to me!” He staggers back to the door. “I'll sleep in the den.”

As her husband leaves the room, Kathryn presses a shaky hand to her mouth, contemplating how things between them have gone from bad to worse. Something is definitely wrong. George is keeping something from her. Not that he hasn't kept secrets in the past, only they really were not secrets because she knows them all. She is very much aware of his late nights trips to Wendover, and she knows he usually isn't alone on those jaunts. She feels the subtle glances of female employees whenever she goes into the office. She has also watched those same employees exit her husband's office, disheveled, avoiding eye contact. Yes, these are things she has always turned a blind eye to and willingly ignored.

No, there is something else going on, and Kathryn has a feeling that when she discovers the truth, things are only going to get worse.

That Kind of Love - The Legacy Saga Book 2 Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now