part 3

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As soon as Rosie closed the god damn door, she did a little celebratory jig and went into the kitchen to get her favourite liquid;milk. She poured a pint glass of the white beauty and tried to shove an umbrella on top for decoration. Turns out an actual umbrella doesn't work. THE WEBSITES LIE she thought, and settled down in front of the TV to watch some frerard crack.

*5 frerard filled hours later*

Rosie went to check the time on her phone and found a message from someone who was named 'SeXy GuEtTa' and realised; that must be what David called himself on her phone. And how right it was too. The message simply said 'Hey.' HOW TO DISSAPOINT A GIRL WITH GUETTA. or...HOW TO KEEP A GIRL HOOKED WITH GUETTA. or....HOW TO BE A BASIC GUY WITH GUETTA. the list goes on my friends. We'll settle for HOW TO KEEP A GIRL (called Rosie) HOOKED WITH GUETTA. anyway.....Rosie replied with a more ;)suggestive;) text saying 'hi. Quick question. Are you good at CPR? cause u've taken my breath away ;)' She pressed send with a smirk and for an instant reply. 'Why yes I am, want to come round for me to probe it? Oops I meant prove technology beats me haha' Rosie simply replied 'see u in a sec'. Things were about to get interesting.


OOOOOOHHHHHH SAUCYYY? maybe I still haven't thought ahead to that part whoops hahahahaha help me.

Also, I came down this morning to a slimy mark on my back door again and it's really starting to annoy me. Please let me know if anyone has had this experience and if you know who it is. It would be of great help to me.


Rosie X David GuettaWhere stories live. Discover now