Chpt 6:

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(YN's POV)

I wish they didn't leave me. I wonder is Scooter is even ok but then again i never bothered to ask if he was. My thoughts got interrupted due to my cell going off. I looked to see it was Pattie so i picked up.

" Hello" " (YN) where are you? Are you oki?" I laughed because she acts like my mom sometimes but in the best way possible. " I'm fine Pattie just needed some space after all the drama in the car." " Oki well you better hurry back so we can take off." I sighed knowing that i couldn't stay in my home town. " Yea ill be there shortly." We said bye and hung up.

I looked at the clock and seen i had been gone for 3 hours  and it was almost dark. I hopped on my skateboard and went to the airstrip. As soon as i got there i was attacked with hugs and questions from Pattie and Caren asking if i was ok. I nodded my head and got on the plane.

Well here's to a new start in a new state and city. I texted my best girl friend CJ short for Crystal Jones. We talked about how things quickly escalated. I shortly fell asleep after saying good bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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