Chapter Six

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       "Today's the day," Bellamy smiled, kissing his sister on the forehead. She was gorgeous in her white dress. "I'm going to go back with Lincoln until time. I love you."

        Exiting the back room, I walked outside just to get a breath of fresh air. I was extremely happy for Octavia, but it was so surreal seeing her in her dress.

        A small red car drew my attention as it pulled in and parked. My heart thud harder as Clarke got out of the car. I watched her open her trunk and grab her dress and shoes, admiring shamefully her backside.

       Before I could stop myself I was suddenly behind her. As she closed her trunk, my hand was spinning her into my arms and my lips were pressed firmly against her. My heart was beating my chest as she wrapped her free arm into my still too short hair.
       Her moan shot every throughout my whole body, heat shooting out to every inch of me. I wrapped my hand in her hair, deepening the kiss. Her taste was so familiar I could groan with appreciation. But all too soon, she was pulling away from me.

       "Bellamy," she panted. I leaned down and kissed her cheek, rubbing her bare cheeks. "I love you," she whispered as a year fell onto my thumb.

        "Why are you crying, Clarke? What's wrong?"

        "I love you, but I can't right now. I don't have the right." She fanned herself and sniffled. "Shit, I have to go get ready, Bell."

        Running my hands through my hair, I watched her jog into the small church, leaving me here alone in a parking lot. Fitting, I guess.

        It was almost show time.

            As Lincoln took his place on the altar, I stood behind the closed doors, waiting for Clarke. When she rounded the corner, I think my heart completely stopped beating. She was stunning. The dress hugged her perfectly, her pink lips still swollen from our embrace in the parking lot.

         As she hooked her arm with mine, I held my breath. Clarke should have gotten her chance to walk down the aisle years ago..

       The music started and the doors were opened. Holding my head up, I walked slowly with Clarke down the aisle. Lincoln's parents and all of our friends were seated, watching us with huge grins. Most of them I haven't seen in years, just like Clarke.

       At the alter, I leaned down to kiss her cheek before separating from her to stand behind Lincoln. When the wedding march started and everyone stood, I teared up to see my sister walking towards her husband.

       The wedding was perfect. Posing with Clarke and the newlyweds was even fun. Clarke laughed out loud, the sound like music to my ears and heart.

       "If everyone would take their seat, Mr. And Mrs. Lincoln Tripp will join us for their first dance." Quickly I sat between Monty and Jasper, since Clarke had seated herself next to Indra and Raven.

       She was avoiding me, but not for long. I watched her as she smiled for O. She was so beautiful. And as the song changed, I stood and made my way to the dance floor.

       "And now we ask the bridal party to join in a dance. The maid of honor and the best man."

       Clarke was pale, but she joined me next to Octavia and Lincoln and we began slowly swaying, one of my arms tightly wrapped around her waist, the other holding her small pale hand.

       "She's never looked happier in her life," Clarke commented. "She's incredible."

        "She is. Lincoln is her soul mate. And you're mine, Clarke."

        "Let's cut in on them," Clarke whispered. "And then we should talk." Clarke pulled from my grip and I took Octavia into my arms, smiling as she giggled.

       Instead of escaping to the side to talk with me, Clarke was swooped in on by Raven, Indra, and then even John Murphy took his turn dancing with her. After John, I couldn't wait any longer.

       "Can I cut in?" I asked.

       "Of course man," John said, clearing his throat. "After you dance some more, come by okay?" He spoke to Clarke, not me.

        "Should we steal away and make out on the hallway like we're teenagers again?" I chuckled in her ear. Clarke shared a look with Octavia before stepping out into the night air.

       "Okay," Clarke said, pacing behind her car. "Okay. Look, I've got to tell you something. And you're going to lose your shit. You're going to go through a lot of emotions. Disbelief. Shock. Anger. All of it, okay?"

       She was panting, pacing. She was obviously stressed. My heart dropped, wondering what she could tell me.

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