Chapter Thirteen

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On Monday morning, Clarke took Homer to the daycare center. Thankfully, Sheila, who she had met awhile ago, would be over his class. Clarke set her phone up so that she could monitor him and signed the check for the first month.

"Okay," she smiled down at her son. "Mommy's got to go to work now. Mrs. Sheila is going to take extra good care of you for me, and I'll see you in a few hours."

He hugged her thigh, his brown eyes wide as he took in the other kids.

"Homer, do you want to come play with the other little boys? They have trucks and cars," Sheila offered.

Clarke reached into her bag and pulled out his favorite army man. "Hey," she bent down and handed the toy to him. "Keep this with you, okay? You can keep him all day."

Homer took the toy and smiled. "Okay, I play." He hugged her neck and kissed her cheek, going to play.

"You can check your app all day, and if you need to, you can call, okay?"

Clarke thanked Sheila and got in her car. She was nervous for him, but as she drove in to work, she checked her phone and smiled as he was still holding the army man.

"How was it?" Clarke asked Homer as she buckled him into his carseat.

"It was fun! Aiden played with me," he smiled.

"Oh, you made a friend?" Clarke asked, overjoyed. "That's really good! What do you think we should have for dinner?"

"Is Daddy home?"

Clarke felt her stomach flip. "Not today, baby. He works away from here."

"Oh. Okay. Can we have cake?"

Clarke laughed. "You know what? You can have cake if you eat your dinner."

After dinner and bath time, Homer was settled in his floor, smashing his toys together. Her phone rang, pulling her attention.

"Hello?" She answered, wiping down the table.

"How was his first day?" Bellamy asked.

"It was good," Clarke told him. "He made a friend and everything."

"That's good. That's really good."

"Yeah," Clarke said, rubbing the back of her neck. Why was this so awkward?

"I miss the both of you," he told her.

"We both miss you, too. Homer wanted to know if you would be here for dinner, but I told him you had to work."

"He did?" Bellamy's voice was hopeful. "I uh, I'm glad he likes me. And I have news."

"What news?" She asked, tidying the living room.

"Well, I got a place in town. Your town," he said, quickly. "It's just a little apartment, but it's nice."

Clarke wasn't sure what she was feeling. "That's good. That was quick. Have you found work yet?"

"Actually, yeah," he cleared his throat. "There's a guy I served with up there. He said I should work with him."

"Oh, okay. Doing what?"

"Construction work, actually. It's a family business, so he can definitely get me on. I haven't actually done construction," he chuckled. "But, he said it was easy to catch on. So, I'm thinking that I will move this week, get everything ready. And, I wanted to know if you think it would be okay for me to come by again this weekend."

"Of course," Clarke assured him. "I told you that you're always welcome here. Homer will be over the moon."

"Okay, good. That's good. Uh, I also wanted to know if we could go do something this weekend? Like, a movie and dinner or something?"

Clarke wanted to say yes, but she wanted to say no. She was so confused on how she felt about the entire situation still. "Yeah, we can do something. We'll see what's the best plan this weekend, okay?"

"Of course. Okay, well, then I will see the both of you this Friday night," he said. "Goodbye."

"Bye," Clarke said, ending the call. She sat down at her desk, putting her head in her hands. Why did things have to be so awkward? On one hand, all she wanted was to tell Bellamy to move back in and then just be together. They were both still gone for each other! But on the other hand, who's to say they won't just break up again? What if he decides to join back up or to do something else crazy and leave her again?

She stood up and shook herself. No. She wasn't going to sit and stress. She would stand tall like she always had and let things flow.

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