Being in love with viners

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Carter's pov

It was four in the morning when I got a text. I looked through my window to Christina. my first thought was that something was wrong. Well, I was right.

"Hey carter, I won't be at school today, I'm not feeling so well."

"Alright angel get better for me, ok?"

"Yeah, sorry for waking you. I'll talk to you later"

"Anytime gorgeous."

I looked over but it was too dark in her room. I got up wearing only my basketball shorts and walked to Starbucks.

Thirty dollars in my pocket, I walked in. glad we have a twenty four-seven Starbucks. I walked to the counter.

"Umm I need a medium caramel mocha latte, please." A girl about my age was behind the register. she twirled her hair around her finger flirting.

"Well sexy that'll be ten fifty." She tried so desperately to be cute. the guy behind me went for it but I didn't. She typed it in and ordered the guys drink behind me as I waited.

"Mr.carter!" she called me back up. I was expecting my drink but there was no drink.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Can I feel?"

I looked at her as if she were crazy. her hand reached out and pointed at my abs. she leaned over the counter I caught her outstretched wrist. I shook my head and gently pushed her back. She looked hurt.

"Sorry that was rude. my name is Molly."


She turned around and grabbed drink off the stand behind her. quickly she gets my receipt and scribbles on it then sticks it to the drink. I looked at the receipt as i walked away. on the back was her name and number.

I turned around and went back to the counter. she motioned for me to call her with a smile an a wink.

I placed the receipt in the counter. "I will not be taking your number. the only girl I need or will ever need is the sick angel I am taking this drink to. bye and have a nice day." then I walked out.

It was still dark and had only been fifteen minutes. I walked next door to panara bread and got a medium cup of soup. With that I walked to Christina's house. it four thirty when I got there.

Christina and I have been dating for a month so she showed me where the spare key was. I grabbed out of the flowers next to the door. I walked in and shut the door behind me and locked it. I walked upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door.

I heard no answer but I walked in anyways. I set her drink and soup on her nightstand and crawled in bed next to her. She turned and cuddled into me. we stayed there all morning.


Christina's pov

I was sick and hurting. I texted carter to tell him I wouldn't be going be there today. I had to tell carter of all people because he was my other half.

I laid in bed. pain overwhelmed my stomach and throat. I got up with a sudden burst of pain rising out of my stomach. I ran to the restroom and threw up. I rinsed my mouth out with mint mouth wash.

I went and laid back down in bed. my head throbbed from my headache. I quickly fell into a light sleep. the next thing that I hear is a light knock on my door.

Carter came in and laid in bed next to me. I turned and buried my face in his chest.

"I brought you soup and Starbucks!" he said laying next to me. I nodded and curled further into his grasp. then a stomach wrenching feeling. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom and vomited. carter held my hair back.

I rinsed my mouth out. carter picked me up and carried me to bed like u was a baby. my arms wrapped around his neck. I put my face in the crook of his neck.

He sat me up against my headboard wrapping my blanket around me. he sat next to me and handed me my Starbucks. it was somehow still warm. I drank it taking breathes because I was congested. he hummed a lullaby as I finished and began drinking my soup.

It was six in the morning when I finished. "" I said very congested. "No baby I'm staying here." I smiled and nuzzled into his chest. we both fell asleep.

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