Chapter One

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AN: Thanks for the reads and stars so far on this story. I had found a 21 most haunted places and one of them was the LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans so that is where I have stationed my lockdown. You can read up on the story behind the LaLaurie Mansion, what type of person she was, what she did and all that good stuff on Wikipedia because not all info will be used in the next few chapters. Plus I wanted a new place for what is to come.

Stay tune for more coming soon. Feedback is always appreciated.


Chapter One

Sleep was not an option anymore. Shaken to the very fiber of her being, Rylee stared wide eyed and fully awake. Her breathing was fast with a rapid beating heart felt trembling through her body.

The phone beside her bed rang loudly taring her from the deep terror that woke her up once again. She turned her head, the wetness from the few tears that fell from her eyes slid down her cheeks and she reached for the phone. There was no ignoring it...


"Good morning Miss Masters, this is Shawna at the front desk giving you your 7:00 wake up call you requested."  The woman's voice was pleasant and cheery, too much for Rylee to digest.

Rylee fell back against her pillow and sighed heavily. She forgotten the night before she placed the call in for the wake up call. "I'm up, thank you." She said pulling the comforter up over her head.

"You're welcome. Have a good day Miss Masters." And with that said, Shawna hung up the phone.

Rylee reached her hand out and fumbled with the receiver trying to put the phone piece back on it. It clinked and clatter without much luck doing it blindly. Her patience was thin and she was slightly annoyed.

Not a good way to start the morning off.

She threw back the covers and sat up in bed, running her fingers through her tangled mess of hair and wiped the tiredness from her eyes.

Sleep deprived, body aches and the starting of a headache was just the beginning. She dragged herself out of bed and walked over to the window and pulled back the curtain allowing the bright sunlight light up the room. As much as she disliked the hotel and its lumpy bed at least the view of the trees was a better sight for sore eyes.

She could already tell the newest location and lockdown just two days away was going to be hell on earth. She was not in the right mind set, she was tired physically and mentally drained and her heart just wasn't in it. But she couldn't tell them that though. Oh no. It would open Pandora's box she fought to keep closed. Questions would be asked and Rylee would be forced to answer.

She shook her head no. Now is not the time to spill the beans on why she was rough around the edges. She gone this long keeping it hidden and putting up a front that everything was just peachy keen. Two years since the job of a lifetime came, two years that gave her hope to one day face the skeletons in her closet.

But today was not that day.

Rylee moved away from the window and went about grabbing her clothes from her suitcase and headed for the bathroom. A nice cold shower would shake away the cobwebs and clear her mind so she could focus on the task a head.


Rylee waited for the guys in the small restaurant that was located just off the left of the lobby. She was going over the notes she gathered on their location, her own research she did before they left Vegas. Since this was her third actual case she'll be apart of, knowing what they would be investigating would help better prepare her.

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