Chapter 1

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Aubree's POV

My name is Aubree Skyler Fieldson. I live with my mom, dad, and my siblings. Alfred is 11 and the pranker of the family. Landon is the oldest and my twin. He's a total jock. Him and my father get along really well. Then there is my youngest brother Justin. he is the baby. He's 4 months old.

I'm 16 years old and I'm pregnant.

"Aubree please get out of the bathroom. I really need to pee." Alfred said from the hallway.

"I'm just finishing my make-up Alfred." I yelled out at him. Really I'm just trying to cover up the paleness on my face from puking all morning.

"But Aubree!!!" He yelled out. Landon stuck his head of his bedroom.

"Alfred, go outside behind the barn. She has the bathroom for another 20 minutes." Landon yelled down the hallway.

"Thank you Landon. " I yelled.

I finished applying my make-up and curling my hair. Hoping that the morning sickness would go away at some point. Lately it's been getting worse probably due to the stress that's eating away at me. I put everything away and opened the door. Alfred, Landon and my father stood there.

"We've talked about spending all your time in the bathroom." My father said.

"Yeah and I told you my answer. Give me my own bathroom." I walked to my room. The mom is the only one that knows right now. I plan on keeping it that way until I tell the father. Which means only a couple more days.

Logan Kane. My brother's best friend and my best friend's brother. Twisted huh? His sister Rebecca and I are best friends and Logan and my twin are best friends. One night about a couple month ago I was over at their house when Logan was throwing a party. I remember having a couple of drinks which I probably shouldn't have because I don't drink at all. Somehow I ended up in bed with Logan Kane and well the rest is history as my mother put it. Okay so Rebecca knows but I swore her to death that she couldn't tell Logan that I had to. Well I still have to. I'm so scared that Logan is just going to laugh at me and tell me that it's not his. Plus he goes through a lot of girlfriends at school as of lately. I don't know how I would handle doing this by myself.

Becca and I have been best friends since I was twelve and Derek Pelton decided to shove me into the mud puddle. To make things even more interesting Becca is dating my brother Landon. It's a small world after all. They've been dating for a couple years now, well at least since freshman year of high school.

"Hey A, do you want to ride with me today? Cause if so we have to go. I promised I would pick Becca up today. Logan had to go in early for weigh lifting this morning." Landon said from my doorway interrupting my thoughts.

"No, I think I'll take my own car. I have to do something after school today anyways." I said grabbing my bag and purse. A stupid doctor's appointment after school. I know what he's already going to say. Eat light meals, drink lots of water and you have options. He'll write out my prescription for prenatal vitamins and nothing for the morning sickness. He'll tell that they'll keep an eye on it and if it gets worse than he'll give me something for it. It's the same thing my mother went through.

"Alright but remember to tell mom so we don't have a repeat of last time."

"Yeah I will."

Oh yes last time. I hadn't told anyone where I was going of course it was only work and my schedule was hanging on the fridge but my mom totally flipped. She was 7 1/2 months pregnant at the time. My dad was forced to call in the uncles. If there is ever one thing that a boy should fear, it is the uncles and the rest of the family. Most of my family has a military background, like my father and uncle Terence. They were marines together. Of course one of my uncles is an FBI agent. So they really are something that you fear. My dad and Uncle Terence are really close though. That's how my aunt Raina met my uncle Terence and they got TJ (Terence Junior) and Charlotte (Charlie). TJ is a USA Navy SEAL now. He's a year older than Landon and I. Charlie is only 5 1/2 younger then Landon and myself. Aunt Raina and Uncle Terence had a lot of trouble having Charlie. She's really special to them. They had all but given up on having another baby. Then somehow Aunt Raina ended up pregnant, she had a troubled pregnancy but then they had Charlie.

He's my Best Friend's Brother and I'm Pregnant.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang