2| cute things he does

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Brandon: He let's you use him as a pillow.
- Your and Brandon's relationship is a two for the price of one deal. He's your boyfriend but doubles as a pillow.

Edwin: He tries to braid your hair.
- Wearing braids around Edwin was a bad idea. He liked it so much that's he made it his life goal to learn how to do them on you. He's still learning though and no matter how many tutorials he watches you're doubtful he'll ever learn. But you don't mind that much.

Austin: He starts tickle fights.
- Austins loves your laugh and when you're sad there's only one way to make you laugh. A tickle fight. It doesn't help that your extremely ticklish either.

Nick: He sends Good Morning/Night texts.
- Whenever Nick isn't laying next to you in the morning or at night he needs to have some sort of connection with you. So he whips out his phone and texts sweet nothings and imagines your smile as you read them.

Zion: He uses corny pick-up lines.
- You could almost swear that what Zion does in his half his free time is search up/ make corny pick-up lines. What he does in the other half is use them on you.

(A/N): ayeeeeeee it's the second one. requests are open. ❤️❤️. Plz vote,comment, share
and all that good stuff ❤️❤️. Thank you darling❣️

Question of the update: "What's your favorite vegetable?"